The best argument is the simplest, God was created or came about because of the Big Bang, this massive occurrence which gave us stars and planets and the building blocks of life came about because of various factors that I don't need to go into. God or the entity that we call god was formed from the black energy and black matter..........the bang was not only responsible for the ingredients that would eventually permit various kinds of life to form but also allowed a very powerful entity to become self aware and eventually mobile and intelligent.
Like the evolution of mankind....simply stated...... god evolved. By the time the earth began to have life god like early man came to a self awareness and also experienced it's aloneness so at this time he decided to play with the available DNA which existed at that point and grow a companion. He passed up making the Neanderthals his companions because they did not have the capacity to grow into the intelligent and beautiful champion he wanted. So from the DNA and minerals and chemicals available he grew Adam. And it was good until Adam complained that he wanted a mate actually to mate and god built Eve. Then of course all hell broke out.
Unfortunately over the billions of years God had spent developing his own intelligence he had no idea about parenting. Nor would he become aware of the potential of human suffering until with puzzlement he saw it but could not experience it. Without empathy he overreacted when Adam and Eve failed to mind him and like us when a lovely innocent puppy dog craps on the carpet he beat them into submission. And hence the debacle of Adam and Eve. The flood was another low point and then after that over reaction he decided to be more hands on and walked on the earth in person trying desperately to interact with people like Abraham and Lot and most egregiously with Job. But it was the tortured Job who shamed God with his suffering. God tried but failed to understand the extent of human suffering.
Finally he painted himself into a corner after meddling in the affairs of Israel. So he withdrew leaving everything on earth in a state of flux. He sits to this day in deep, silent and brooding space unattached from his beloved but failed creation...mankind. He awaits for the next big bang to absorb him back into the black energy and perhaps giving him another opportunity to try again and hopefully the second time around to get it right.