DS211 - I never answer leading questions, please just assume I know what love is and proceed wth your argument.
Atheists, what is the best argument FOR God?
by bohm 85 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yada said-
You must know that human beings have been worshipping 'divine' forces and entities long before they learned to read and write. If it wasn't a biblical God or Mesopotamian gods or Vedic gods it was the sun or spirits of the nature or whatever. It's quite a natural human instinct to feel that there is something else out there bigger than ourselves.
Yeah, no spit, Sparlock! However, some people confuse their NEEDS and DESIRES with what IS, AKA reality.
Humans have ALWAYS felt a need to understand their World and explain observable phenomena around them, and that's exactly WHY they explained earthquakes, volcanos, rain, snow, floods, etc, as a supernatural cause, eg thunder is God in the sky doing repair work on the metallic-domed firmament. The human brain attempts to resolve the anxiety of not knowing WHY something occurs, and in a vacuum, the human imagination is perfectly adapt at inventing an explanation, however implausible it may be.
Science has proved ACTUAL answers to where rain comes from, etc, that aligns with other advances, rather than simply going with disproven "gap theories" until humankind actually figured it out.
Yet some people seemingly insist on clinging to ancient superstitions, rather than accepting rational answers? The reason is more emotional, which we ALSO understand as being driven by our lower 'reptilian' brain (eg midbrain), and not by higher-level (cortical) brain.
Interesting how God always manages to retreat just outside of our range, as human knowledge and our capabilities to perceive expands:
That's a very HUMAN trait of post-hoc rationalization (AKA making excuses), and not one of an omniscient omnipotent transcendent being.
If you loved your dad your mum your cat...prove it.
That would be trivially easy to do.
What's your point?
DS: Cofty, bohm--did you love your father (if you knew them, im sorry if you didnt)? your mum? Your cat?
Yes I love my mom. No I cannot do much to proove it beyond claiming so and the fact my actions are consistent with it.
Here is the key: I do not doubt for a second believers love God. I doubt god exist.
So can I proove my mom exist? Yes! thats entirely trivial, i can show all sorts of evidence including inviting you to have a face-to-face conversation with witness present.
I cant do that with god... I need to rely on a string of philosophical arguments build on questionable assumptions and logic...
Thats true bohm...but you see theres no evidence to prove you love your mom....im not convinced. Theres not sklid evidence to prove God exists right? Yet people claim to feel it...However i think men have taken an experience as such and made it into a way to rule over others.
Either way mate i dont judge you as evil for your beliefs. Im just saying that we cant explain or prove everything. So like many things men perhaps raised this "God" to a certain level or exaggerated him like they did with greek and mythological Gods. To me evidence points to there being some form of higher power, whether its God or alien or whatver. ?
i forgot to also add that i dont blame you for feeling the way you do...its quite obvious i have doubts since here i sit right?
Actually you could provide evidence that would prove to most reasonable people that I love my mother. That's a flawed and poor argument In my opinion.
To me evidence points to there being some form of higher power,
You need to decide if you are talking about feelings or evidence.
DS: Thats true bohm...but you see theres no evidence to prove you love your mom....im not convinced. Theres not sklid evidence to prove God exists right? Yet people claim to feel it...However i think men have taken an experience as such and made it into a way to rule over others.
Look there are two different questions:
1) Can I proove I love my mom/can a theist proove he loves God?
2) Can I proove my mom exist/can a theist proove god exist?
You are asking question 1. I think the answer is fairly obviously yes on both accounts, but you might disagree.
Now, I dont think question one is very closely related to question 2, which is the interesting one.
For instance, I might say I really really love Snowwhite and she is my girlfriend. I think it would be fairly easy to convince others that I loved Snowwhite if i insisted enough. This would go nowhere in terms of prooving snowwhite was real though; its an entirely different question. Imagine:
me: I love snowwhite.
You: Yes but she is not real.
Me: She is, i love her
You: But can you show her to me then?
me: I love her. Can you proove you love your mom?
you: Well...
DS: Either way mate i dont judge you as evil for your beliefs. Im just saying that we cant explain or prove everything.
I dont judge you either.