Given sufficient computing power we should be able to create a simulation with autonomous ai actors that perceive it as real. If one simulation can be created then many will. The number of simulations will exceed the original meaning it is probale that we are a simulation...
Atheists, what is the best argument FOR God?
by bohm 85 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What outlaw said.................
But there again the religious will say those things are from the Devil
Adam, oh yeah? Well then, how did the puddle come to be?-rip
Thats the point. I know Bohm wants to ask mainly Athiests, I would then say God's water cycle is amazingly created, when I look at water and it's properties it draws me closer to God.
But Adam has a good point too, he would then say well who created God, God's God? It's a cicular argument. Believers and Athiests are both bias. At least I can admit I am.
Love Kate xx
Where did God come from ? man created him, in his imagination. Simple.
There is not a "best" argument for God, they all, equally, lack evidence.
keyser soze
The best argument is the Watchtower society. Only a wise, all-knowing god could establish such a pure and loving organization as his earthly representative.
Another argument against god
Scientists find signs of life in Australia dating back 3.48 billion years
By Greg Botelho, CNN
updated 7:43 AM EST, Thu November 14, 2013
· NEW: Discovery shows life was fairly complex 3.48 billion years ago, scientist says
· Scientists: Structures found in Australia featured "a complex microbial ecosystem"
· That makes it the oldest MISS ever and "one of the most ancient signs of life on Earth"
· Scientists have been looking for such structures, as evidence of life, on Mars
(CNN) -- Deep in a remote, hot, dry patch of northwestern Australia lies one of the earliest detectable signs of life on the planet, tracing back nearly 3.5 billion years, scientists say.
At that time, the Earth -- relatively speaking -- wasn't into its adulthood yet. Scientists estimate the planet formed roughly 4.5 billion years ago; minerals known as zircons, indicating water, and continents existed within 100 million and 200 million years after that on what was still a scalding planet.
The existence of water suggests that life was possible. But what did it look like, and when did it start?
The discovery from the Dresser Formation, a much examined outcrop of rocks in Western Australia's Pilbara region, documented in a paper published online this week in the Astrobiology journal may help answer those questions.
Kate said-
But Adam has a good point too, he would then say well who created God, God's God? It's a cicular argument.
Except you're now going off-script of what Xians believe as "God-everlasting", eternal, not having been created but always having just been, and always "was" (eg Psalms 90:2). The idea of God having a creator, although an element of many other religions, was squeezed out of Xianity with the suppression of gnosticism (they believed in a demiurge concept, where Jehovah had a creator whom he was unaware of).
But yes, that's why the question of who made God is an example of an 'infinite regression' (and was satirized in this cartoon video, which features potty-mouth words that will require washing one's ears out with soap):
Kate said- Believers and Athiests are both bias. At least I can admit I am.
Still going with the silly 'tu quoque' claims, I see?
If god includes everything and we do not know everything, then we cannot know god. This is as much proof of god as it is of anything we can imagine, and that is not proof.
I think the best "argument" for god is still an emotional one. This alone has stood the test of time, and for better or worse, continues. That there seems an instrinsic need for answers to the big questions is without question. The question really is, what answer suits the questioner?
It really boils down to semantics. this god thing. A personal god or impersonal force? God who created everything physical? God who favored the Israelites? God who favored other seekers? God who is love? God who speaks to each of us?
So far, his voice is interpreted by a few and heard by a multitude. God is popular, no doubt. This cannot be denied. Funny thing is, those who disagree on the same message call each other false. This is telling IMO.
Twitch said-
I think the best "argument" for god is still an emotional one. This alone has stood the test of time, and for better or worse, continues. That there seems an instrinsic need for answers to the big questions is without question. The question really is, what answer suits the questioner?
Yeah, I'd buy that as the 'best' argument possible, in that the God concept is ONE way to deal with uncertainty for those who haven't yet managed to come up with other coping strategies, or even the ability to accept reality on its terms, NOT ours. I think of the God belief like a security blankie, with the Bible as an over-the-counter item that serves as a non-medicated alternative to a prescription for an anti-anxiety medication like Xanax, etc. Of course, self-delusion IS a coping mechanism, just not a particularly healthy one, or an effective long-term coping strategy. Much like "God of the gaps" justification, it's only a place holder, a quickie temporary patch job that works only until the individual finds it doesn't work.
The argument that I find morally-reprehensible is the excuse that a God belief is needed by OTHERS, since the fear of punishment prevents people from doing bad stuff out of fear of being sent to Hell. Deceiving others for their own good (and yours) is a sign of someone who couldn't give a flyin' flip about truths, but someone who is willing to deny truths for their own benefit and profit. Such people don't warrant much respect, in my book.
adamah - I guess you have it all worked out then