True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 162 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Villagegirl, put your money where your mouth is and report it yourself now that you have been told about this. What's your excuse?
It's pretty hard for anyone to take your comments sincerely when you are acting pretty much like a troll. For instance you said in regards to BluePill2
Why not edit this down to about
two paragraphs and say what you mean and name some names
and tell us what you did , specifically, to help or protect those children
without 'clouding the issue' with verbage and padding
Then you told him not to write a book basically because he doesn't have the ability.
Once again, you are attacking the person, insulting them and putting them down rather than sticking to your point.
BluePill2, I don't doubt the organization reads information that is supplied on this forum. Hopefully it is stories that wake those high up in the organization to see the injustice and lack of proper christian duties.
It seems to me that if ones like the Anderson's and Flipper can understand Bp2's situation and still be an encouragement to him, that the others among us could at least keep a civil tongue in their heads, strong feelings or no.
There's always somebody vicious whenever somebody else bares their soul.
I'm ready for another installment, BP, and if you made any mistakes in your lifetime, far be it from me to magnify them!
villagegirl: May peace be with you, that is all I have to say to your words. Oh, and also the words one wise man said a long time ago (Matthew 7:3-5).
To all the others:
I might or might not write a book, because right now I don't think it would be of any value. Writing on this board, with a specific purpose in mind is another thing.
And Yes, I have been in close contact with Mr. Flipper and Andersons, both offering me support beyond what you can imagine. Barbara knows my real identity and counts with my full support for her ongoing, very valuable work in this fight against evil.
I will continue to write here, no matter what some of you might think about me as a person, or my motives, as that is also something that I have left behind: Worrying too much about what others think about me - one of the shackles in the chain that holds millions of people imprisoned in cults like the Jehovah's Witnesses!
stillin: I once read that mistakes from the past cast shadows into the present and the only way to make that shadow disappear is to cast light on it. I wish I had been "a hero" in this account and would have had the courage and strength to act in a different manner. That is not the case and I have come to terms with my past. I am trying to cast light on things that should not stay in the dark. I hope you understand that.
In the great words of Maya Angelou...." I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better."
I have spent many nights feeling horrible about allowing my child to be questioned by the elders after her molestation. Many people have come down hard on my husband and myself for not standing up and marching them out of our home, we wish we would have.
It's extremely difficult to do the right thing when your thoughts are controlled. We failed our child in that moment, but never again! We have since learned to do better.
We can't all be hero's right on cue, but it's what we do after we know, that's important. I hope that makes sense, I'm not really good with expressing myself through writing.
Anyways, thank you for speaking up.
Listener - I hear you - I apologize for being harsh with the Pill.
I am not being clear here myself.
Here is what I mean: The Pill is going on and on about
nothing specific. He does not NAME NAMES, or give any
specific information that would be reportable, THAT is a rant.
The BluePill has knowledge of the NAME of the predator
and his location and details of this sexual molestation.
The Pill is not revealing who the man is, his NAME.
Eaxample of a real case I knew about:
A JW named David Mochart, who was an elder in 1984
in Santa Barbara California, sexually molested his five children.
His wife's name is Janet Mochart. The children are now all
on facebook and so is Janet. Janet is still a JW.
The men on the committee, included Baron Eric Spafford,
a famous Photographer with a web site and
still in Santa Barbara and still an Elder.
And Richard Ried and others elders on that Judicial Committee.
This case was never reported to the police.
(until I did but I did not have first hand knowledge)
David Mochart was disfellowshipped, his confession was heard.
I heard from the Day Care provider whose name is Kathy Reid,
who is married to Richard Reid who sat on the judicial commitee.
Kathy had an Early Childhood Degree and saw the young child of
about 4 years old "acting out" in a way typical of sexually molested
children, and talking about sex, inappropriate knowledge.
Compare that small bit of actual factual information written here,
to Blue Pills account below.
I will report - give me the name of this man, and the children,
and the Branch location and some reporatble details and Blue Pill
needs to step forward and give testimony, ten years late is not too late
these crimes have no "Statute of Limitation".
Circuit Overseer and someone from the Branch where assigned to investigate the case. He negated everything and didn't confess. The children could deliver explicit details about him and kept mentioning a certain mark on his manhood. The committee was confused on what to do (nope, the accusations of the boys weren't good enough). So, the District Overseer seriously starts contemplating if they should ask him to put his trousers down and have a look at his junk. This created confusion, as it was highly unortodox and not mentioned in the "Shepherd the Flock" book (I am not kidding you here!). So, they ask the branch and it was decided that this was out of question and the "two witness" rule was applied. End of Story. Man get's off the hook.
I - as an individual can't do a thing - but I sure can put a needle through their heart.
They should not be able to bury the past, because people didn't have the guts to tell their story and put it in writing.
I have come to believe that the truth has a certain ring to it. No need to come up with "stamped and sealed" papers - that is what the Society does -
Check your PM`s..
Thanks for quoting somebody who said what I have known all along:... that the WTS will go out of its way to protect men accused of wrongdoing, but will throw unconnected women to the wind. It was an insult to MY intelligence to even BE in the JW religion. Just sitting there listening to their bullshit was an assault on my being.
I had heard that certain bethelites had "disdain" for the R&F. Imagine the audacity and stupidity of these fools having contempt for the working people who were contributing to their upkeep!!....... Well, I can only hope that they are among the bethelites who had their ASSES kicked to the curb recently!!
I am glad you walked away from your husband and the religion. I would have to have a grudge against myself if I stayed. Like you, I am also a spectator here and it is good to know how right I was to walk away from it all.
stillin: I once read that mistakes from the past cast shadows into the present and the only way to make that shadow disappear is to cast light on it.
I wish I had been "a hero" in this account and would have had the courage and strength to act in a different manner.
That is not the case and I have come to terms with my past. I am trying to cast light on things that should not stay in the dark.
I hope you understand that......BluePill2
There-in lys the Problem..
Most JW Elders who Know Better,Do Nothing..
Your Accomplices to WBT$ Crimes..
The WBT$ is about to clean out Kingdom Hall bank accounts around the world..
Most JW Elders on these forums who Know Better,will Do Nothing..
JW Children are being Sexually Abused..
Most JW Elders on these forums who Know Better,will Do Nothing..
There are Known Pedophiles in Kingdom Halls all over the World..
Being protected by WBT$ Rules and Policys..
Most JW Elders on these forums who Know Better,will Do Nothing..
What`s Past is Past..But..
Now that you Active JW Elders Know Better..
It`s time to Step Up and Do Something..
Stop Supporting WBT$ Crime with your Positions as Elders..
Easier said than Done?!..Not at all..
You Know theres Going to be a Price to Pay,Either Way..
Are you JW Elders on these Forums who Know Better..
Really going to go back to your Kingdom Hall and Do Nothing?..
Are you going to Continue to Support WBT$ Corruption?!..
If you Do..
You Deserve people like VillageGirl to be Outraged at You..
It`s Not going to Get any Better and it`s not Going to Go Away..
You`ll be Haunted by the Lives you Help the WBT$ Ruin..
You`ll have to Wake Up and Go to Sleep with that,Every Day..
You`ll get No Rest from Any of It..
Your Future will be an Endless NightMare if you don`t Make a Change..
You can`t be Afraid of the WBT$ for the Rest of your Lives..Or..
You`ll Never Escape..
I Hope you Keep Writing..
I hope it gives the Active JW Elders here on these forums..
The Courage to start doing the Right Thing..
By the JW Congregations they are Supposed to be Caring For..
Great post OUTLAW.