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True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 162 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I arrived at this place as an optimistic, outgoing, refreshing person - been like that for all my Life and turned into a dark, suicidal and toxic soul. A stream of many events led to that point. It was not one single ocurrence, but the amount of evidence started to pile up in my mind - evidence that this was not the truth.
That's exactly what happened to me at Bethel.
the true, cold, hard facts was far to evident to ignore: there is and never was and never will be anything divine, holy or "spiritual" going on "behind the curtains". I ripped it open and there was nothing. The ghosts where all gone for me, to never come back again.
Our breakup was messy (and still is). I haven't seen my baby daughter for 2 years now. Have one grainy picture of her. My fault? I feel so.
That is very sad. I do hope that you can work out some sort of contact. If your wife is still a believer, then she may try to prevent it, but the bond with a child is very strong and important. Even if you can work out some way to have a minor involvement remotely such as through Skype, as it is not fair on a child not to know their father.
This thread has been on my mind for the last few days.
BluePill says that all the documents from the Nicaragua ended up in going to Mexico. Are the Mexican authoritities in the know that documents are now being stored in their country?
We know that JW pedophile publicity has been quite extensive in the US and Great Britain, also Australia. Canada.
What about other countries? Mexico for example. Maybe those of us who are pedophile exposers should shake the pedophile fruit tree in other countries and see what falls out to the ground. What are the Mexican laws on pedophilia. What about other countries? "Can any thing good come out of 'the back waters, the boonies," of Galiliee, Mexico, or other less known countries?
Any feed back?
belbab, shiddisturber
I am going to answer with all love and best intentions. As I've said, I have become an atheist and don't think about this as "Jehovahs people", but I will answer as best as I can and just why I left that possibility behind.
As it seems Jehovah has a very bad track record in managing people or other beings. Let's see:
First human couple: Perfect, healthy, beautiful bodies, absolutely no problems, PARADISE and yet they have chosen freedom / exercising of free will over all of this! You could argue that they have been "tricked" - one cheap ass trick with a talking animal, but lets leave that one aside. It took Satan exactly 3 sentences to change her mind. ONE question and two more sentences and she changed her mind: yup, God is a liar, let's go for this. Genesis 1:31 says it was "very good" - so it got Gods highest stamp of approval. No faults here and yet Eve is either incredibly dumb or this Paradise wasn't good at all or the story is just fishy. Anyway, move on.
Whole hordes of Angels go rogue! His "people": several times - the Bible is basically a full blown account on how God assembles people, tries to manage them and loses them to the most stupid things - people made a golden calf, basically minutes after seeing miracles. Jesus: the same. Very bad track record at managing people.
It seems that Satan is scoring much better (at least according to HIS mission goal).
And now you are saying that his people are corrupt and need a good beating. I am asking you: Why does everybody go corrupt - from perfect angels, perfect Ken & Barbie couple to everybody else down to this day? Even the Governing Body reigning in the last days goes corrupt?
Makes you think, doesn't it? God must be the worst people manager ever. Or...
So it's not just Jehovah's Witneses and the WBTS that you are unhappy with. You are now at the point that you don't even believe a God exsists.
That is truly sad.
Bookmarked for later reading. International accounts are special flavor for me.
Amazing. Thank you for sharing this BluePill2; I can see how difficult bringing up those memories are. While we're all anxious to read more, we will wait until you're ready. Take your time and take care of yourself.
BP2 said: "Our breakup was messy (and still is). I haven't seen my baby daughter for 2 years now."
Well I can relate to that. I fought like hell to get custody of my daughters during my divorce, and in the end my JW ex-wifey succeeded in limiting it to 30% custody by spending tens of thousands of dollars on a high-powered lawyer. But my heart soars when I do have them and it is the highlight of my week every time.
I can't imagine not being able to see them for two years... and am shaking I'm so mad that you have been separated from your little angel.
What can I do to help BluePill2? Tell me!