Bookmarked. Thanks for sharing!
True Stories from the Tower - Part 1 "From Anointed to Pedophile to Bethelite"
by BluePill2 162 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thank you for the response. I really thank you for sharing, and I look forward to your next article. Let me know if I can help with something please. Just PM me.
I Hope BluePill2 is doing well...
I missed this story when it was first posted.
What a Gibralter-sized mountain of whatthef**kery.
Please post part 2 soon.
Thank you for sharing this. Can only imagine how difficult it is for you to rehash a past that you want to forget. But its so important that stories and experiences such as yours come out. These stories have to be told and have to be documented. There is a putrid rot deep within the bowels of this organization. Truth must be told.
Those of us that have had a long history with the organization know that what you are recounting is the truth. I would like to translate your experience and post on another ex jw forum from another country. I'll wait for your permission.
Accidental post-sorry
would love to hear more when the time is right bp2 .
Gypsy Sam
What an intense read. Thanks for sharing. Wishing you more success with having a bigger role in your daughter's life. Keeping a record of how and when you tried to contact her will mean a lot to her, if the situation doesn't improve. When she is a teen she'll see proof that you didn't give up on having a relationship with her And that will mean a lot when she needs support and unconditional love (which she won't receive from the JW mom).
Simon Morley
Gulp... I agree with you, being in that cult for 25 years was the biggest regret of my life. Thank you for sharing, more importantly for the fact that it will be cathartic for you and not purient interst on our part.