The life differences between a good christian and good athiest

by EndofMysteries 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    you would never ever examine extraordinary claims of the paranormal even though your philosophy is supposed to be evidence based.

    On the contrary I am wide open to evidence. I spent most of my life believing it.

    Nothing would give me more pleasure than the chance to investigate a claim. Do you have any evidence?

  • jgnat

    Silly granfalloon. Cofty and I are siblings from the same human family. I'm a "good" Christian and well, Cofty is the other kind.

  • mrhhome


    Normally, I do not like bouncing, but you are being obnoxious. You sure like talking about science and logic but do you actually have any training in science? Your responses are emotional and your logic cliches.

  • cofty

    "If you wish to examine a granfalloon, just remove the skin of a toy balloon. "

  • Xanthippe
    On the contrary I am wide open to evidence. I spent most of my life believing it.

    Are you saying you spent most of your life believing in evidence? Er last I heard you spent most of your life being a JW and then a born again Christian.

    The last time you asked me for evidence I gave you academic papers from Nature. There is no need to ask if you read them, I already know the answer.

  • cofty

    Keep trying to bait me Mrhhome.

    You seem to have mistaken me for somebody who cares about what you think of me. Silly you.

  • mrhhome

    Respectfully, the premise of this thread is flawed. Christians and atheist live their lifes differently. You can tell when you are around them. Obviously, that is a generality. You may find some Christians that are obnoxious and some atheist who try to get along with their neighbors, but statistically speaking, you are fooling yourself if you think that there is no difference between how a Christian and an atheist conduct themselves.

  • mrhhome

    Cofty, I am not baiting you. I am making a plain, simple statement. You have established a pattern of bouncing on people. I am going to return the favor. You are rude, and your arguments lack depth. Cut it out.

  • cofty

    you are fooling yourself if you think that there is no difference between a Christian and an atheist is their actions - mrhhome.

    Are you saying christians behave better than atheists?

    Its difficult to tell from your disjointed sentence.

    PS - I am ignoring your personal comments because I don't care. You are free to continue making them or not. I would prefer to discuss ideas.

    Edted to add - You fixed the sentence..

    you are fooling yourself if you think that there is no difference between how a Christian and an atheist conduct themselves.

    Please tell us the difference.

  • mrhhome

    Cofty, you have sufficiently illustrated my point. Further elaboration is not needed.

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