Why hasn`t / doesn`t the "TRUE GOD" clarify his " GODSHIP" between the JEWS , the CHRISTIANS and the MUSLIMS.

by smiddy 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Perry: "I don't uderstand your thought process here. The answer seems so self-evident that I don't know how to respond. Is supernatural blindness that pervasive that even words commonly used are now void of meaning? God doesn't have a relationship with his enemies and does have one with his friends."

    "supernatural blindness." What on earth does that mean Perry? Don't be disingenous, you're alluding to something way beyond the meaning of plain words. What is this supernatural vision you have? Did you see God, do you talk to him, does he talk to you, did you have some freaky supernatural experience? Or is it just some kind of emotional yearning, waving hands in church and crying 'Jesus, I love you."

    Please share. What exactly is this communion you boast is so "self-evident" that I'm a total idiot for not understanding? Forgive my spiritual obtusness, but how exactly do you know that your "spirit" (and what does that mean?) and God's "spirit" are relating to each other?

    Don't just cut and paste scriptures, tell us exactly what's going on.

  • designs

    Paul's great argument if you don't agree with his ideas- "God has put a veil over your eyes", clever

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