Pronger: thanks for the tip. I dont think u meant to portray me in a self righteous just a husband who loves his wife and kids and wants the. Not to waste their life or have other himans tell thin this is wrong and thats wrong, especially without solid scriptural or anectdotal evidence.
Bohm: i appreciate you sticking up for me...:-) good lookin out
jgnat i appreciate your info and everyone elses info...the more tools in my toolbox and the more likely i can know when to change my strategy if need be.
And to all: my goal isnt to firce my wife to do anything...however it is to wake her up and teach her to o serve things from many sides. Life is not one dimensional. Nor should her view of it be. Its not right to condemn others in YOUR heart because YOU were told that they are not "qualified" to be shown mercy. To applaud yoursekf as the WT do EVERY meeting and condemn christendom and all those who dont follow the ORG is the epitomy of self-righteousness. Period. It is cruel to dehumanize one for not believing what you belieVe or daring to doubt. That is why i want my wife out. So she can knowingly and consentually make her own choices. In healthcare you have to get INFORMED consent before going firward with any treatment. this ethical practuce should be affirded to all mankind.
.....ok sorry lol im at work and had to vent a bit
Anyways thanks guys for all the help! I love exercising my right to gain perspectuve from multiple sources.