pixel- do you "need Jesus" if so tell us why.
A Clean Slate When You Die ??
by Perry 57 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'm not a sinner, thanks very much. Neither are any of you.
No loving deity would employ guilt or fear to be worshipped.
If there is no personal Judgment after you die, then Jesus' sacrifice is meaningless.
The WT seeks to destroy this truth several ways:
1. Your soul is not conscious of anything after you die - even though Rev. 6: 9 reads otherwise:
When he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those slaughtered because of the word of God and because of the witness they had given. They shouted with a loud voice, saying: “Until when, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, are you refraining from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth? - NWT
2. You get a clean slate just by dying (Opening Post Subject)
3. Jesus didn't die for you personally; He died for Adam - This is in spite of WHO the bible says Christ died for:
The one who did not know sin, he made to be sin for us [Not Adam], so that by means of him we might become God’s righteousness. 2Cor. 5 (NWT)
4. They teach that we are living in Judgment Day Now - This in spite of the fact that the Bible says you get judged AFTER you die:
"it is reserved for men to die once for all time, but after this to receive a judgment" - Hebrews 9: 27 (NWT)
"if there is no personal judgement after you die, then Jesus sacrifice is meaningless" Exactly!!!
You'll get there, we have great hopes for you.
If there is no personal Judgment after you die, then Jesus sacrifice is meaningless.
It wasn't a sacrifice. He got himself killed for being a bloody pest. It was intepreted as a sacrifice post hoc by his bereaved followers.
It was similar to the way the Adventists invented an invisible return in 1844 and the Bible Students did the same regarding 1914.
Believers are skilled in not allowing facts to get in the way.
pixil- If you read the Wt. article it says the whole arrangement comes under Jesus' messiahship.
People with a particular religious bent always seem to think the "others" are heretics hmmm
I personally have a problem with god condemning all of us for the sin of two people and then deciding to torture his son to make up for it. That is child abuse.
designs - What I'm trying to say is that, for all other christians religions, Jesus die for humanity, and after we die, we will receive judgement for whatever we did on earth. But the WT world teaches that after we die, we are free from sin. Whatever bad we did pre-armagedon does not count.
This is what the OP says also.
For the WT, death is like a loophole to avoid judment.
"Hence it is that when the earthly dead come back in the resurrection of the dead because of Christ's ransom sacrifice, their past sins will not be held against them".
Romans 6:7 is talking about the power of sin not being able to control a person who has died spiritually and been raised to newness of life.
But let's take the WT version of it.
In legal terms, "acquittal" means being found not guilty of a charge.
How does dying make a person not guilty of his sins?
But if a person's physical death brings acquittal of sin, as the WT claims, then wouldn't everyone who dies be worthy of a resurrection, including Hitler, everyone who dies at Armageddon, etc.?
Also, how do those who survive Armageddon get acquitted of THEIR sins?