A Clean Slate When You Die ??

by Perry 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bobcat


    Romans 6:7 was discussed some on this thread. It was eye opening for me with regard to the rendering in the NWT which, as noted above, spuriously adds "his" before sin.

    Here are more recent references to Romans 6:7 from the WT Library:

    • *** it-2 p. 138 Judgment Day ***
    • Basis for judgment. In describing what will take place on earth during the time of judgment, Revelation 20:12 says that the resurrected dead will then be “judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds.” Those resurrected will not be judged on the basis of the works done in their former life, because the rule at Romans 6:7 says: “He who has died has been acquitted from his sin.”

    • *** w95 11/15 p. 19 par. 17 Stay in the “City of Refuge” and Live! ***
    • 17 Must those resurrected during Jesus’ Thousand Year Reign enter the antitypical city of refuge and remain there until the death of the high priest? No, because by dying they paid the penalty for their sinfulness. (Romans 6:7; Hebrews 9:27) Nevertheless, the High Priest will help them to reach perfection. If they successfully pass the final test after the Millennium, God will also declare them righteous with a guarantee of eternal life on earth. Of course, failure to comply with God’s requirements will bring condemnatory judgment and destruction upon any humans who do not pass the final test as integrity keepers.
  • leaving_quietly

    *** deleted ***

    Bobcat and I were on the same page, but he beat me to it.

  • pixel

    Nicely put Bobcat in the thread you are linking to.

  • Perry

    I personally have a problem with god condemning all of us for the sin of two people

    Thankfully the bible doesn't teach this.

    Excellent references Bobcat.... thanks

  • Perry


    As I have pointed out to you numerous times, to no avail I might add; Your position is an impossibility. Your view is (paraphrased) : If there is a God, he doesn't judge sin. Of course this contradicts the notion of an All-Benevelent God which is inherent in the definition of "God".

    Somehow you fail to realize that an all-good God that doesn't judge sin, would be in actuality an enabler of sin becauses he chooses not to judge it.... allowing it to perpetuate endlessly. Thus your all-good God that you must reference to even have this discussion, is by your definition not all-good.

    This is most illogical.

  • alecholmesthedetective

    Thankfully the bible doesn't teach this.

    So what's the deal with A&E?

  • Perry

    So what's the deal with A&E?

    I don't know. All I know is that the bible doesn't teach that I'll be judged for something they did.

  • alecholmesthedetective

    All I know is that the bible doesn't teach that I'll be judged for something they did.

    Right, but you still will be judged for some sin someone committed at some point in history, somewhere, some time ago. I don't know, I'm just riffing here.

    Btw, you "don't know" about Adam and Eve? What happened in the bloody Garden of Eden?

  • Apognophos

    We've already been judged for what Adam and Eve did, Perry. Don't you believe that man was created perfect, and A&E's sin made the human race imperfect? According to this view, we suffer on a daily basis as a result of imperfection stemming from something our ancestors did.

  • designs

    Perry- Iranaeus, Augustine, Martin Luther, and John Calvin all promoted the Pauline doctirine of Original Sin (ancestral sin) Romans 5, 1Cor.15.

    Progressives like John Wesely left the issue undecided.

    The way the Bible, and especially the NT God, shows he is stingy handing out favors- 2000 years have passed. Christians wars fought for centuries throughout Europe, the subjugation of Africa and the Americas by Christians. This is the most ineffective god imaginable. And then the Big Wham, Jesus tells the human race they who do not believe in him, they will go to hell for eternity, Matthew 25.

    Very nice, and believers wonder why this concept is being rejected by millions every year.

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