My question still stands, what happened in the bloody Garden of Eden?
First, the Garden of Eden is in the spiritual realm. So that Adam had a spiritual body when in the garden of eden. That is important because it reveals a truth about how we 'inherited' sin, and death. He did not originally have this body that we have today which has sin and death in it... because this body is what God gave Adam re: the long garment of skin... AFTER he disobeyed and ate of death. (God did not give an animal skin to cover physical nakedness as some tradition would have men believe) But Adam originally had a body that was clean, that had life in it and NO death; and one that could move between the physical and the spiritual realm (as the angels can do now) Until he disobeyed, and ate, showing a lack of love for God, Eve, and all of his offspring, making him unclean (the nakedness that he was ashamed of and tried to cover with leaves when he hid from God)
So despite God's warning that if they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that they would surely die (consequence, not punishment... eat and you will die; NOT eat and I will kill you)... Adam ate of that tree of the knowledge of good (life, something he already had)... and the knowledge of bad (death being part of bad).
Ate of = take into oneself whatever it is one ate from.
Knowledge of = knowing. Not knowing ABOUT, but having first-hand knowledge of something.
So death entered Adam and Eve upon their eating. But God, in His mercy, fashioned for them a 'long garment of skin' (which again is not animal skin, but rather this vessel, this physical body), thereby trapping sin and death IN that vessel. So that the flesh gets sick and dies (because of the sin and death in it), but the spirit (who we truly are on the inside) does not have to get sick or die. Acting as a sort of 'shield'. Thereby SAVING Adam's offspring (who proved to be God's children) from the fate Adam had sold them to, and giving them the opportunity to find and have life, and to be able to eventually come BACK to the garden (spiritual realm, to be with Christ - the life - and God), and once again being able to access the tree of life (that is Christ).
The alternative - if Adam had been killed on the spot or wiped out so that God 'started over' - is that we (each of us) do not exist at all. That would have been wiping all of us out as well, before we were even born. Something Adam's LACK of love (and perhaps ignorance as well, but the lack of love was present regardless) allowed him to risk. Something God... who could see and know who would come... would not do.
Adam ate of death, bringing death into himself, and into the world, with his lack of love and disobedience; and as we were born from the man after he had been given THAT vessel, we TOO have that same vessel. That is why we get sick and die in the flesh. That is the 'inherited' sin.
Interestingly... the garment of skin that Adam was given (that we have inherited) that has sin and death in it... is directly contrasted by the white robe that Christ gives (the spirit body made clean in Christ). Just to perhaps help you see how the 'garment of skin' and 'white robe'... are different kinds of bodies that we are given.
I hope this helps and is not too confusing, that you may be able to at least get a sense of these truths, as the Spirit teaches them.
May you be given ears to hear if you wish them, and also to hear as the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU, "Come... take the free gift of the water of life"... which water is holy spirit, that is poured out of God, through Christ (who is the Spirit).
Peace to you,
Your servant in Christ,