pixil- The idea behind the Wt. version is that death is the result of Adamic inherited sin and you pay the price for that and current sins by physically dying, it does not carry over into the 1000 year millennium. That 1000 year period constitutes another test period and you can die during the 1000 years or the judgement that follows.
A Clean Slate When You Die ??
by Perry 57 Replies latest watchtower bible
Excellent questions Ding.
1. You get Hittler, died and is free from sin (a clean slate).
2. You get the nice-90-years-old-catholic-woman that never opened the door to JW's dying at the big A because never read a magazine or went to jw [dot] org.
Wt world and teachings are bizarre.
"it does not carry over into the 1000 year millennium. That 1000 year period constitutes another test period and you can die during the 1000 years or the judgement that follows."
Texts that proof this from jw stand point?
And you think christianity's- heaven, hell, intermediate states aren't bizarre?
Designs - yes.
Yes they are just as bizarre or no they are not bizarre?
For the WT, the tests never end.
Even after "Satan's final test" a person can still rebel against Jehovah and be annihilated.
"Even after this, though, it will still be possible for a person to sin by rebelling against Jehovah. If this happens, Jehovah will annihilate them. However, since they will have progressed to perfection and have passed Satan's final test, it is extremely unlikely that this would happen." (WT, "Questions from Readers", 8/15/06, p. 31)
Yes they are crazy bizarre -just like the WT.
Ding- God is the ever-ready-bunny of judgements...
For the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin. - Romans 6:7 (NWT)
(Note: Romans 6:7 does not apply to Adam's death, since Jehovah God really holds a grudge for ALL descendents since Adam ate the wisdom-granting fruit.)
See, that's the funny bit: Jews believe in the same policy as later repeated by Paul in Romans, above, understanding that Adam's sin was erased upon his death, just like everybody else, since death of the individual is the ultimate atonement for sin. The idea of Christ redeeming humanity from Adamic original sin is a misapplication of the way sin was viewed by Jews, the worshippers of the Hebraic God, Jehovah, since it mixed OTHER elements of Hebraic beliefs into the mix to justify (eg the well-understood concept of a 'go'el', AKA familial redeemer, who intervened on behalf of a relative facing insurmountable debt; Jesus also was said to be the 'high priest', i.e. the blood of an innocent man who's death in Jerusalem atoned for the sins of others, and upon who's death those who'd committed certain offenses (like manslaughter) were granted forgiveness of their sins and allowed to return to their hometown from the 'city of refuge' to which they had to flee to seek sanctuary, etc).
Logical powers of reasoning escape Perry. Perry you should look I to moving to a Amish community.