Bless you EdenOne you are so calm and make perfect sense for an imperfect world
The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday
by cofty 2596 Replies latest jw experiences
But the thing is Edenone...
we, humans, can show empathy, compassion, selfless interest in others, something we hardly see in nature god.
Humans seem much more moral than god.
It's the hope that he offers that makes Him worthy of awe
Wouldn't this by number 15?
15. Suffering will be unimportant compared to eternal rewards
No, because involuntary suffering cannot be unimportant, no matter how great the "eternal reward" is.
Do you deny that competition, selfishness and mercilessness are predominant features in nature?
How can you expect with a simple crossline over a word ascribe them to God?
I'm actually capable of controlling myself pretty well, but inside I'm far from a calm person, sadly. Sometimes it surfaces, and I get too emotional for my own good.
An empathetic god if he had the power to would interevene to stop the excessive suffering that many endure - for example, there are many young girls that have been kidnapped, kept in homemade dungeons, raped brutally every night, birthed a number of chidren and finally escaped or died perhaps thirty years later. (I can site examples if you want, but I'm sure you've read at least some of these cases.)
Imagine the pleas of help that a girl in that position directed to heaven for thirty years. Yet no answer.
If god is capable of intervening (he is all powerful isn;t he?) then I see absolutely no empathy, compassion or selfless interest. Which means he is either not able to help, not willing to help, or non existent.
If God can't deny himself then, by definition, he isn't "all-powerful".
Why do we, humans, assume that God's business is to look after us 24/7/365 ? Is God our personal concierge service, by any chance? If you regard God in that way, no wonder you feel disapointed.
Oh... no I don't deny they are present in nature, was just applying those characteristics to god (as well).
Take elizabeth Fritzl for example, who was kept in a dungeon, and raped etc for 24 years. Would you say that during that 24 year period god was aware of the situation?
How would I know that, zound? For what I can tell in the Bible God isn't entirely "all-knowing", in the sense of being all the time aware of everything that goes on everywhere.