>>>You're right SaintSatan, when Uncle Penn said, "Please don't!", my mind goes "Why not? What's there to hide?" It's like the WTS all over again. "Please don't study religious literature!" "Please don't read Crisis of Conscience(almost done now!)" "Please don't take post-secondary education!" Please don't THINK, for G*d's sake
I didnt mean anything like that. I meant, please don't build your view of God on a bunch of subjective and mostly contradictory experiences. Some people see a tunnel, some people say they went to hell, some people say they hovered over their bodies, some say they saw relatives, Some say they saw no one, some say they saw Jesus and on and on. My point was, please, if you are looking for God, don't base any of it on what people think happened to them when they were not concious. It makes no sense.