trying to convince my wife not to confess...

by wafflesandpancakes 52 Replies latest social relationships

  • bigmac

    am i missing something here?

    what about headship--? surely if a wife has a problem--she should go to her husband first. then--IF---IF---he feels the need to go blabbing to the elders--its HIS decision.

    i think someone needs to show theyve got a pair.

  • sarahsmile

    That is right! She wants to go over her husband head and be dis loyal. She disloyal and it will back fire. Good thing her husband will be there for her. Hard to share a bed with a snake.

    Anyhow I never said anything about my exhusband and like a pile if crap in the chair he said nothing. Let me go down and he was the cause of it. In the end thirty years later he has been difellowshipped three times. He never admits to anyyhing but causes harm. Now he is just mentally ill and no one likes him.

  • Legacy


    Some folks can't handle their guilt they want others to be in on it...A thought, why do SOME folks have an affair, come home late or do something that looks suspicious...1st they can't handle the guilt, 2nd they want someone to feel as bad as they do...

    As many have said, what's the point now, in confessing ? She can talk to God anytime, ask his forgivness...but don't you think God would say, "I know, already" ?

    Does she think that it will elevate her more in the congregation. Elders are just we just learned imperfect men..& most likely they will say, Well, Sister so & so, we are glad you came to us, but that was in the past...& no doubt when she left the room, they would say, ummm, she should have told us that before. Guess she couldn't handle it any longer. I don't think they would say it was a Commendable thing, it wouldn't even faze them one bit...

    But if she is a witness that doesn't feel she is worthy, as most have your work cut out for you..why is she looking at the past...if God has forgotten it...I'm just's an illustration of our past & future...Let's picture a car, the rear view mirror is very small compared to the windshield is much larger, so what I get from this is that our rear view (past) is much smaller than our windshield (wider)( furture).


  • DesirousOfChange

    WAFFLES: Any kind of update?

  • Vanderhoven7

    Marriage demonstrates any and all repentance that might have been needed.

    Since you were engaged, she was your wife scripturally. Matthew 1:18-20

  • RottenRiley

    Here's the benefit of confessing your sins to the Elders, I know how they things work.

    1. Five, Ten or Twenty years from now and you make a mistake, your sin is thrown back in your face.

    2. The notes taken by the Elders are carried from congregation to congregation, this is not like the Catholic Church who claims to absolve the sins both you.

    3. If you are part of the 90%, your sins are going to be told at Parties, with Elders who talk about friends sins behind their back. Your not safe, you will suffer the consequences of your sins forever, elderettes will laugh and giggle for you!

    4. Any sins you committ will be compared to the original sins you and you wife made, your never free in this Organization.

    5. John Travolta and Tom Cruise have rumors spread that Scientology knew their deepest darkest secrets, that's why they could not leave. Tom became a Demi-god with Scientology, John has to deal with his emotional state, the Scientolist "it's said" told their high profile players if you leave, all that confession of sins will be poured in to the public's eye.

    Read the articles online, "Can the Watchtower Elders Forgive Your Sins?" you need to change your mind!

  • daringhart13

    How long has it been????

    Before you do ANYTHING.....look at the October 1972 Kingdom Ministry Question Box.

    As a former long time elder, I can tell you this is the 'get out of jail free' card....

    In the late 2000's they were sending CO's around with this reference.....and I'd already used it several times the prior decade.....

    Read it with your NOT go to the elders...with ANYTHING

  • LostGeneration

    daringhart13, ya big you made me go look it up and see what is has to say. I'm continue to be amazed at some of the shit they print in years gone by. I guess that is what happens when you have to spit out "something" each and every month, year after year. Here it is, I still cannot believe what I just read....

    ● What is meant by “some years ago” on page 170, paragraph two, in the “Organization” book?
    This indicates more than a year or two. It may be noted that it did not say “many years ago.” So it is not an exact number of years, but more like two or three years. It was not intended to have a brother go back into the distant past to bring up wrongs of which he repented years ago and that have evidently been forgiven by Jehovah and are not being practiced now. In many cases the wrongs occurred prior to the time when the “Watchtower” drew attention to what the Scriptures say on such misconduct.
    If a brother has been serving faithfully for some years and has seen evidence of Jehovah’s blessings upon him, why should he now step down from office? If he has the right viewpoint now on conduct and will give good counsel he should be able to continue to serve. If the local body of elders see that he has the respect of the congregation and has shown the proper qualifications over the last two or three years, he may remain in his position of service.
    Must wrongdoing be brought to public attention after many years? The book (page 168) under “Public Reproof” quotes 1 Timothy 5:20 and mentions reproof of those who confess to committing more than one offense. But it really has to do with recent events. The “Interlinear” refers to those “sinning,” something going on at the time. So if repentance occurred some years ago, three years ago or more, and sinning ceased, and he is respected by the congregation, it is not necessary now to publicly reprove one who committed more than one offense “some years ago.”

  • JimmyPage

    Waffles I can totally relate. My wife and I had sex before marriage. A couple of years into our marriage I discovered the truth about the Truth and discussed it with my wife. At that point I still believed in God and felt I was forgiven. I read the elders' manual on what they look for when it comes to repentance, went to a judicial committee, and told them exactly what they wanted to hear. They gave us a slap on the wrist. It was almost like they were saying, "Yes, most couples, even JW's, have sex before marriage." I think the most shocking thing to my wife was that the holy spirit did not expose me as an apostate.

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    I found myself in this situation several years ago.

    You may be opening yourself up to possible disfellowshipping - there are several years of "deceit" involved. You stood before the congregation on your wedding day, claiming that you had been pure and chaste up until that moment.

    It may depend on your elders, however I know a couple who were disfellowshipped after admitting to immoral conduct before they were married - but that may have had something to do with the fact that they had applied to bethel as a married Couple and had been serving there for several years.

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