Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?

by punkofnice 122 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ballistic

    Many millenia ago, we needed explanations for the immense power of nature, natural forces and disasters. Seeing the ground shake, fire and lava pour forth from the ground (which still goes on to this day in Northern Africa where man first arose) and the power the weather has over man, not just in terms of disasters, but it's ability to make our crops grow, or not as the case may be; the hold it has over our lives. This especially so when you live closer to nature.

    In our modern day lives, many of us don't have the time or inclination to lay on the floor and look up at the night sky, and even if you did, there's too much light in cities to see anything. Back then people lived out in the open and would see the whole milky way in it's glory not to mention shooting stars and comets.

    So - how do you transition from those days of the gods controling everything to a modern world of scientific explanation? It would be almost impossible to achieve that in one fell swoop. Instead, we see a period of transition, like the enlightenment, elongated over a period of thousands of years where mankind shakes off legend, mythology and to some extent religion, and slowly wakens to reality (as far as we know it is real), and this is why god doesn't do anything tangible now.

  • jemba

    'It seems to me that man has made god in his image'

    Too true Uncy Punky. Nice post.

  • punkofnice

    objectivetruth. Howdy doody. I hope your day is going well and thank you for your perspective.

    In past Centuries, he Sent Prophets.. Humans Killed the Prophets, so he does not send Prophets anymore.

    So are you saying god is so limited that he couldn't protect his prophets? Why was god so stupid in sending prophets if he knew it wouldn't work and then just give up? Outside of the Bible, what proof do you have that these people actually existed?

    This is not a time for Humans to Judge God, it is a Time for God to Judge Humans.

    How do you know? There is no evidence that a god even exists. In any case, which god? Thor, Zeus, Elvis?

    During the 1,000 year reign he will prove to us that he is Real and he Is Love.

    Well he's done a crap job of 'love' so far. Good luck for the 1,000 years. I don't want the love of a creature that effectively says: 'Worship me or I'll torture/kill you!'......a creature that has not shown it's face around here or shown any love or care.

    If you don't believe in God now, you will believe when you are Resurrected to a World that Jesus Rules as opposed to the Current World which Satan Rules 1 John 5:19

    Are you a JW? 'Ressurection' is just the watchtower's(R) own spin on cherrypicked scriptures that when you look at the original language do not indicate 'earthly resurrection'. I would say you might want to research the original context and language on that one. Just sayin'.

    2 Peter 3:8 With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

    What evidence outside of the bible do you have for any of this?

    Have a lil think and let us know.

    Cheers Paul

  • galaxie

    Tangible.? I would think anyone who believes in god is definately!! TOUCHED. Just my opinion of course.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Galaxie, I can appreciate opinions. I respect that admission more than someone going on long diatribes, assuming it makes their opinions on atheism sound more bona fide--as proven facts. Recognize opinion and posts on a thread like this become more credible. Amazing what recognition can do.

  • prologos

    punk0fnice, since you are a father, if you personally could pass on to YOUR own children,-- all that we enjoy, you could be proud of yourself.

    Realizing of course that you have to limit what you can give to any ONE of your chilfrem in order for everyone to have a share, a time-share even.

    Do you want your children to grow up, be adults, creative, WINNERS? not whiners?

    Put yourself in the shoes of a supposed creator, the benefactor that chooses to hidden, in his wisdom.

  • punkofnice


    Put yourself in the shoes of a supposed creator, the benefactor that chooses to hidden, in his wisdom.

    In god's shoes ay?


    I never hid from my children.

    They were always given obvious instructions when required.

    they are not confused about who I am.

    I didn't allow more than one book of instructions to divide my children.

    I never ordered my children to hate and murder those not in our family.

    If my child did wrong I never cut them off and hated their children too.

    I never told them they must love me or I'll kill them.

    I don't want to be in god's shoes, not only do those shoes not exist because god doesn't.....but.......if it existed, god is a psychotic weirdo not worthy of worship. If god existed I wouldn't pee in it's ear if it's brain were on fire.

  • WTWizard

    Just a way of hiding that the whole LIE-ble is a work of fiction. Invent stories where people were helped at the last second and had a very positive outcome (always in isolated cases, always in people that were Jewish and living in specific times, and always going into the absurd territory), and then use those in lieu of actually helping people in this day and age. God no longer needs specific individuals to receive blessings, nor does that thing need to have anything recent. Forcing people to believe these lies as is they were fact, when they were already 800 or so years out of date, and slaughtering everyone that didn't, is why everyone these days believes that jesus ever did anything. Or that anyone living in the LIE-ble actually did anything or even existed, let alone that if joke-hova did something for them then (for a specific purpose that supposedly has already been fulfilled), then it will do it for us now.

    Which is bunk. Just because joke-hova helped someone out then, does that bind that thing to helping you out now? In each case, joke-hova helped specific people in Israel for a specific reason. It was always someone that was prominent, and always with the goal of furthering joke-hova's agenda. Today, we see that jesus has done its job (of serving to siphon our psychic powers for our enslavement and damnation), and joke-hova no longer has any need for any of us as individuals. Hence, if you run into difficulty, no matter what joke-hova may have done for a [fictitious] character, you are sxxx out of luck.

  • galaxie

    FHN You misunderstand atheism is not a supposed existence which requires proof it is for the deists/theists that proof is required that god exists .The only proof they seem to ever come up with is basically everything which is humanistic or natural in the universe . Do you see ANYTHING arround you which cannot be explained in human terms?.

    All reasoning on the existence of supernatural beings has only ever come from one source : MAN . THEREFORE MAN IS THE ORIGIN OF GOD not vice versa , unless you can prove otherwise of course.

  • humbled

    Punky, I like your version of fatherhood better than the OT god's. I think the OT god let Jesus down same as us.

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