Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?

by punkofnice 122 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • adamah

    PON said- If 'god' existed then 'god' would make itself more obvious to us IF it is the same creature that religions say it is.

    Yup, and if God is omniscient (all-knowing), He knows EXACTLY what evidence could be presented to each of us skeptics individually to convince us He exists. Heck, if I saw even a SHRED of compelling evidence, I'd be FORCED to believe in God, due to my commitment to rationalism.

    But since God already KNOWS the answer, the default is that God refuses to provide it (mainly because He doesn't exist).

    God is thus demanding belief BEFORE providing evidence, and that's a recipe for putting carts before horses, and opening one's mind to ANY gobsmackingly-foolish unproven belief that comes down the turn-pike (pixies, unicorns, homeopathy, woo-woo, etc).

    And in the off-chance that I'm wrong and my soul is standing before God in judgment, then God is favoring the gullible over the skeptical, and isn't worthy of worship: here I come, Hell (or the JW's "common grave of mankind" for an eternity of unconsciousness, which is what the current lack of supportive evidence for an after-life indicates)!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Galaxie, you used the word opnion. I respect thAt you recognize that it is your opinion.



  • objectivetruth

    Paul.. I appreciate your viewpoint as we'll. I'm not much for disputing over beliefs, because as you point out, they are just that "Personal Beliefs" and there is no way to Prove any of them. I can not prove that what I believe is "The Truth" and you cannot prove that your beliefs are "The Truth"

    It is summed up best by Nietzsche "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."

    or "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

    So let Me be honest.. I wholeheartedly believe in God, but even if there were an Indisputable way to prove that God did not exist, I would build a wall around myself and I would do everything in my power to block out this .. It seems to me that life would be a miserable existence without faith in something..

    Are you an Atheist now? If so, is your life void of Hope and Joy? Without faith in anything, how do you wake up every morning? I am curious, and it is not my intent to judge your point of view.

  • galaxie

    Fhn Yes you are correct .I can only offer my opinion , which is based on where MY intellect carries me.. Do you know of anyone who would base THEIR opinion on anothers,? Ah of course the bible writers. ? It wasn't really their opinion but that of an unseen supernatural source. And so it follows all the way down the line until we are where we are today. Who's opinion will you follow or be persuaded by?. Why not make it your own?.You can start now if you wish.

  • Apognophos

    Are you an Atheist now? If so, is your life void of Hope and Joy? Without faith in anything, how do you wake up every morning? I am curious, and it is not my intent to judge your point of view.

    From your standpoint, I suppose I would be an atheist. I don't feel like anything has changed in my outlook since I abandoned my beliefs as a Witness. Life is still about getting up, making a living, and trying to do something beneficial for society (still a long way off from that, though).

    I would say that I don't have less joy than I did when I was a believer. I never felt joy serving God in the first place, it came from the little things in life.

    I do have hope, if you define hope as seeing some reasons to expect that the future will be better for everybody. I don't have faith, though, I just see factors that make a positive future likely, and factors that make it unlikely. Only time will tell.

    I don't really believe that people need a reason to get out of bed as long as they are healthy and have some kind of purpose in life, so here too I don't know why belief in God makes a difference. How many people can honestly say that their purpose in life is serving God? Actions have to follow those words....

  • cofty

    I wholeheartedly believe in God, but even if there were an Indisputable way to prove that God did not exist, I would build a wall around myself and I would do everything in my power to block out this - objectivetruth

    Is your username supposed to be ironic?

  • objectivetruth

    No it's not intended to be Ironic - "objectivity means the state or quality of being true even outside of a subject's individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and imaginings." It does seem ironic, seeing that no one can possess truth right now.

    Apog - I think that one of the things that many JW's look for is that Ahha! Moment when they feel gods Holy Spirit directly guiding them.. But it never comes, and then some are left feeling, that God doesn't exist or he exists but doesn't care about them personally.

    Many JW's also feel that it is wrong to improve your self or make a decent living for your family.. "You cannot slave for 2 masters"

    This is why I like Solomoms advice.. "7 Go, eat your food with rejoicing, and drink your wine with a cheerful heart, for already the true God has found pleasure in your works."

    God doesn't expect us to all be "Super Disciples" preaching every second of every day.. he hopes that we do exactly what you are doing.. Taking care of yourself, taking care of your family and looking for ways to help your neighbors, and society in General.

    Man likes to make things so complicated, and by doing this they completely destroy The True message of the Good News.

    This time period has been Satans time period to prove his ability to rule.

    Jesus died for ALL man (not all sorts of men)

    The 1000 year reign all men will have the opportunity to serve God or not. They will have the same chance that Adam & Eve had.

  • cofty

    seeing that no one can possess truth right now.

    Why not?

  • punkofnice

    Are you an Atheist now?

    From a pigeonholed perspective I am. However, I don't class myself as anything other than a thinking geezer. I am not part of a movement of atheists. I don't care about evolution or creation. I just know god doesn't exist and if it does it is a vile creature.

    If so, is your life void of Hope and Joy?

    No more or less than it was when I believed in god. I now have a wonderful girlfriend and we enjoy life. I hope for many things and find joy in the same things I did as a believer. I just have the reality of knowing that when I die there is nothing to come after, no heaven, no hell, no existance.

    Without faith in anything, how do you wake up every morning?

    The alarm usually goes off. I don't wake up thinking about faith, god or any other imaginary friend. I get on with my day.

    I am curious, and it is not my intent to judge your point of view.

    You remind me of myself at one point. I believed and yet all the lack of divine help when I was going through hell, despite my pleas to god, stirred within me the knowledge that there really isn't a god who cares. I admitted that I just deluded myself in the end.

    No, it wasn't nice but at least I know the reality of the situation. Belief in god is a choice, knowledge of reality isn't.

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