PON said- If 'god' existed then 'god' would make itself more obvious to us IF it is the same creature that religions say it is.
Yup, and if God is omniscient (all-knowing), He knows EXACTLY what evidence could be presented to each of us skeptics individually to convince us He exists. Heck, if I saw even a SHRED of compelling evidence, I'd be FORCED to believe in God, due to my commitment to rationalism.
But since God already KNOWS the answer, the default is that God refuses to provide it (mainly because He doesn't exist).
God is thus demanding belief BEFORE providing evidence, and that's a recipe for putting carts before horses, and opening one's mind to ANY gobsmackingly-foolish unproven belief that comes down the turn-pike (pixies, unicorns, homeopathy, woo-woo, etc).
And in the off-chance that I'm wrong and my soul is standing before God in judgment, then God is favoring the gullible over the skeptical, and isn't worthy of worship: here I come, Hell (or the JW's "common grave of mankind" for an eternity of unconsciousness, which is what the current lack of supportive evidence for an after-life indicates)!