Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?

by punkofnice 122 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 2+2=5

    "This time period has been Satans time period to prove his ability to rule."

    Really? God just sits back and watches while a sadistic monster has a turn at playing boss?

    Would you let a serial-killing-rapist raise your children? Could you even leave them alone with him for just a minute? maybe to prove a point?

    I find it ironic that in trying to prove satan wrong and man incapable of ruling himself, God has proved himself useless by allowing the whole effed up situation in the first place.

    The whole univesral sovereign thing is a load of nonsensical rubbish.

  • punkofnice


    The whole univesral sovereign thing is a load of nonsensical rubbish.

    The whole god allowing a talking snake to make him kill Jesus as that was the 'only way' is complete crap too. God could have found a less barbarric and idiotic way too. So because he's annoyed at Satan, god takes it out on everybody else for thousands of years. What a turd god is!

  • 2+2=5

    I don't know, I kinda bought the whole talking snake story. Sounds pretty legit.

  • punkofnice

    So many are claiming that god has spoken to them in some way. I'd call this confirmation bias in delusion. Makes people feel special. Funny thing is, they can never prove that it was god that spoke to them. Then there is the stuff about 'faith' and recognizing how god spoke. Amazes me how it cannot be proven to anyone other than the one who claims god spoke to them.

    If I were to hear voices in my head I'd go straight to my doctor.

    It's either the need to feel superior or more special than others, a complete lie or something requiring meds.

  • Apognophos

    Many JW's also feel that it is wrong to improve your self or make a decent living for your family.. "You cannot slave for 2 masters"

    This is why I like Solomoms advice.. "7 Go, eat your food with rejoicing, and drink your wine with a cheerful heart, for already the true God has found pleasure in your works."

    God doesn't expect us to all be "Super Disciples" preaching every second of every day.. he hopes that we do exactly what you are doing.. Taking care of yourself, taking care of your family and looking for ways to help your neighbors, and society in General.

    And of course, when God made Adam and Eve, he only gave them one commandment (besides "Don't touch that tree"), which was to be fruitful and fill the earth. So if a person thinks God exists, or doesn't, what difference does it make to the life that they're trying to lead? Either way we're following our natural inclinations. The main difference is the expectation one has about what happens after death, but I don't see Christians actually living in a way that puts the current life aside for an expected better life after death. The closest I've seen to that are ascetic monks, and, well, Jehovah's Witnesses.

    That's why I wonder what you think happens to a person's life when they stop believing in God. For me personally, the only bitter pill to swallow was the realization that there won't ever be a miraculous intervention to remove all the wicked and right all the world's wrongs. Fortunately, there's the possibility that man is slowly improving his own condition, so life isn't without hope. I know one thing, I now see that man has a lot more responsibility than I used to think he did! No more waiting around for the new system to fix things, we have to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps.

  • objectivetruth

    Cofty - Truth as we humans like to view it is an illusion. Using words and language to try and explain or understand anything is impossible For us.

    When I tell you that I have a Blue Car sitting in my brick driveway, you form a picture in your head, and try to imagine what those words actually mean.

    your translation, will be based on you previous experiences, and your viewpoint on life and your surroundings.. And the picture you arrive at will always be different then what I intended for you to see.

    To better understand, how everyone sees things differently watch these videos - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbASOcqc1Ss

    This guy is a Math Savant named Daniel Tammet.. When he does math he visualizes colors,shapes and lines as opposed to simple numbers like many of us do.. When this guys says "7 is Red" we have no way of knowing what he is talking about, but it is Perfectly Clear for him.

    For this reason it is impossible to have "the truth"..there is only more right, or less wrong.

    I used to think that The only absolute truth was math.. I thought 1+1= TWO always.

    But then i was posed with this question.. What is one raindrop + one raindrop (if the raindrops touch either)


  • punkofnice


    For me personally, the only bitter pill to swallow was the realization that there won't ever be a miraculous intervention to remove all the wicked and right all the world's wrongs.

    Me too

  • adamah

    Without faith in anything, how do you wake up every morning?

    PON said- The alarm usually goes off.

    LOL! Life goes on, doesn't it?

    The whole strawman that says "the life of an atheist is devoid of meaning and empty" is usually coming out of the mouth of a preacher or professional apologetist (William Lane Craig), where the audience should ask if it's plausible that the person claiming this MIGHT just have some 'skin in the game', with a vested-interest in perpetuating the "cure" they're "selling"?

  • punkofnice


    PON said- The alarm usually goes off.

    LOL! Life goes on, doesn't it?

    Too right.

    ....and yes that is a strawman argument against 'atheists'.

    That same strawman fallacy still doesn't answer the original question: Why doesn't god do anything tangible now?

    My answer of course, is because god doesn't exist as proven by it's total absence and lack of obvious intervention.

  • Simon

    It's interesting that we have stories that mirror the bible events happening right now ... but of course we know them to be false and the believers to be gullible and fooled.

    But for some reason we believe the stories simply because they are older, from a time when myths like that were more easily believed.

    So the question shouldn't be "why doesn't he do things now" ... it's "why believe he's ever done things"

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