Typical JW Apologist

by TheStar 185 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    False Prophets:
    Matt 7:15: False Prophets (hereafter FP) are ravenous wolves.
    Matt 24:24: FP performs miracles (See Good News Bible)
    Acts 13:6: FP's are likened to "sorcerers."
    2 Peter 2:1: FP's teach "untrue doctrines" TEV

    Hector, I think that the WTBTS fulfills every one of these scriptures. They claim to be direct spokesmen of God. They claim to be the Faithful and Discreet Slave class mentioned in the Bible and they come to us in the guise of loving and caring men whose only concern is caring for the followers of Christ. However, nothing could be further from the truth. These men disguise who they truly are and what they truly do. They are actually ravenous wolves who are only interested in maintaining their corporate enterprises. The WTBTS is a multimillion-dollar, multinational corporation and they are mainly interested in what all corporations are interested in and that is the continued growth of their company. One of the ways they maintain that corporate growth is by constantly harping on how short the time is for this system of things and how urgent it is that we keep preaching the “Good News” of the Kingdom. That has proven to get the rank and file stirred up so that they increase their efforts in field service and make new recruits, and these new recruits in turn will make even more new recruits. That “Good News” by the way, is that everyone will die at Armageddon with the exception of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Take for instance he blood issue. For years witnesses were dying because they could not accept blood. Now you can have a blood transfusion with impunity. Yet, they still hold to the fact that blood transfusions are not allowed, even when al the sum of blood now permitted add up to a blood transfusion. They are in effect playing a shill game with the feelings and emotions of the rank and file witnesses. Actually, the Governing Body has very little respect for the brothers they pretend to care about so much. That’s probably why they never apologize for making false predictions they never come true, for changing doctrine that costs people lives, for instituting “new light” when under the “old light” people were disfellowshipped. This lack of respect is also probably why you have to accept everything the Governing Body teaches to remain in good standing in the congregation. Its fundamentalism at its best ........ and worse.

    The age of miracles is over. We are realize that. However, miracles still happen. Hector, I think that its a darn miracle that you can apologize and defend this cult. They really should drag you into Bethel and put you on their writing staff. You'd be really good at it because I absolutely believe that you believe that the WTBTS is the true religion. They really did a good job on you! You're good at that Watchtowerese language too. Cunning, deceptive, the use of questions to lead the reader around to your way of thinking. Yep, you gotta call Bethel!

  • hector3000

    [funky: Where exactly does the Bible encourage such speculation? Matthew 25:13 says quite clearly "you do not know the day or the hour."]

    Reply: And we have never pointed to a "day or the hour."
    But the Bible does provide us with a plethora of numbers and dates as to which we can determine the end. It never says, "Thou shalt not take Bible prophecy and apply them to your own day."
    It was a promise that certain things would be locked up until the end:
    "But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase." Dan 12:4 RSV

  • dungbeetle

    Most of the people on this board: The Watchtower are false prophets

    Watchtower publishing company apologists: The Watchtower are not false prophets.

    Most of the people on this board: The Watchtower are false prophets

    Watchtower publishing company apologists: The Watchtower are not false prophets.

    The wheels on the bus go round and round....

    The way I see it, calling the Watchtower false prophets is the lesser of two evils because then, according to the same law by Watchtower maintains the rape resistance and blood abstention rule, we would have to stone the Governing Body to death.

    Becasue in teh alternative, Watchtower leaders LIED. If they believed their own drivel, that's one thing. But did they believe it?


  • hector3000

    [Dutchie:Take for instance he blood issue. For years witnesses were dying because they could not accept blood. Now you can have a blood transfusion with impunity.]

    Reply: Do certain JW's consider themselves the faithful & discreet slave. Yes. Even if you are not a JW, you still have to have a faithful & discreet slave. If you do not consider yourself as part of an organization, then you, by default, are the faithful & discreet slave. There is no getting away from it.
    Your statements, as usual, are wrong and ignorant on so many levels.
    No JW's accept transfusions with impunity, despite the erroneous reporting efforts to the contrary (which is often the case, as with the whole pedophile/UN_NGO thing).
    How many people actually die because of refusing blood tranfusions anyways? I will give 2 scenarios:
    Man gets into a serious car accident. The hospital says he need blood. He refuses, instead he opts for a safer alternative, like Ringers Solution etc. The hospital either administers the alternative or refuses. The man dies. The cause of death is reported as "Refusal of Blood Transfusion."
    Second scenario: Man gets into a serious car accident. The hospital says he need blood. The man accepts, but dies anyways. The cause of death is reported as "Car Accident," when in reality, both people died of the same thing.
    Due to an anti-JW agenda though, we will never get to the truth in many cases.
    I would like to know how many lives have been saved to due the rejection of blood transfusions. This, like the converse will be hard to chart.
    It is a little known fact that there are deaths every year in relation to circumcisions. These are infant deaths.Please see: http://www.sexuallymutilatedchild.org/deathsdo.htm These are also a requirement by certain religious groups. Yet no one seems to criticize this practice. The reason for this is because it is easier to pick on a little group that is considered a "cult" rather than on larger groups that have powerful political backing.
    "When compared to the treatment of other religions there seems to be a disparity in the treatment of Jehovah's Witnesses. For example we have never heard of forced abortion on a Catholic, even if that woman's life is in danger. Doctor's have accepted in these instances that the
    Catholic's beliefs are more important than their interest in keeping the woman alive." Robert Conlon, "No Blood! The History of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Issue of Blood Transfusions

  • Dutchie

    Hector, I beg to differ. They give you a "one shot" deal. If you accept a blood transfusion once and express sorrow and regret, you're forgiven. How many blood transfusions do you think an individual will have in a lifetime? Actualy, I have to applaud good PR. You can have your blood transfusion, remain in the organization and the WTBTS can still claim that blood is not allowed. Bravo!

    Also, If you examine the blood componets that you are now able to accept it practically adds up to whole blood, its just that whole blood is not allowed, as well as, I think, some other minor components. But we needn't worry about that, I am sure that in a few years (no, I predict!) "new ight" will come on and witnesses will be able to accept blood transfusions.

    Hector, its not the fact of whether blood transfusions are good or bad. Leaving other religions out of this scenario, witnesses should be given a CHOICE as to whether to accept blood transfusions or not. I feel that bloodles surgery, when feasible, is a good thing. However, it is not always feasible and I as an individual should have a choice to accept blood or not accept blood. Why do I have an organization make that decision for me?

    Just one more thing, I like you Hector and I enjoy talking to you, but would you please address me respectfully? I don't call you names, or would I ever. I respect the fact that you have your beliefs and even though I feel it is utterly ridiculous to worship a publishing company, I would never call you "ignorant" for expressing them. I hope that you will extend to me that same consideration. We can have differences of opinion and still behave like Christians.

  • Dutchie

    The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the Faithful and Discreet Slave mentioned in this scriptures? Please give me a break!!

    Do you know why you believe they are the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Well, they told you so and you believe them.

  • hector3000

    [Dutch:"Leaving other religions out of this scenario, witnesses should be given a CHOICE as to whether to accept blood transfusions or not.]

    Reply: But you do have a choice. It is completely up to you. In the end, IT IS YOUR PERSONAL CHOICE AND YOU ARE NOT FORCED TO DO ANYTHING AGAINST YOUR WILL. You are blinded by your own rhetoric.
    As for the Faithful Discreet slave, you still ignored who your FDS is? You realize that you have to have one, or be one. Are you a faithful discreet slave?

  • Dutchie

    Ok, I'm a faithful and discreet slave, and I have just as much believability as the watchtower does. That scripture they use that they say applies to them, well darn it, I think it applies to me.

    Yes, yes, I know, I've heard it all before. It's my own personal choice. But let me tell you something, Hector, I was born into the "truth". My grandmother used to take the record player around from door to door and play the sermon for the householder. My whole life has revolved around Jehovah's Witnesses. If I did something that caused me to be disfellowshipped my poor old granny would not speak to me, neither would my parents, nor my six brothers and three sister. They would shun me. My choice, yes, basically, but my choice would be influenced by the edicts of the WTBTS. You people dance to the Watchtower's tune.

    So you see, I am a "closet apostate". I am not brave enough to tell my family I don't believe a word of that crap anymore. I have not disassociated myself because I do not want to lose my family. The strong family that the witnesses care so much about. Maybe one day I will be strong enough, but as of now I am just not there.

    If I or one of my children needed a blood transfusion I would first ask about bloodless surgery. If that were not feasible, then I would permit a blood transfusion. But I want that choice! I would not turn over my life, my choice, to a publishing company operating under the guise of a religion. Anyway in a few years a transfusion will be okay!

  • Dutchie

    .... and you Hector are blinded by your allegiance to a publishing company!

  • Dutchie

    Oh, and one other thing. A prophet is not only one who originates prophesy a prophet is one who says that "these are the words of Jehovah". Guess who is famous for saying that since they are god's channel, god's earthly organization? If you guess the witnesses then you're right! False Prophets by any definition.

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