If it wasn't such a laughable concept to begin with. "Apostate" give me a break. You guys are a joke.
Calling Someone an Apostate Is No Different than calling Someone the N word?
by WhoYourDaddy 49 Replies latest members adult
Sounds worse than it really is: :" someone whose beliefs have changed and who no longer belongs to a religious or political group".. BTW..two blacks were running through a parking lot I was walking in and ran past me..one of them said "Hey, wait up N"..I laughed.
Our black friends, by making the use of the N word acceptable among themselves, have emasculated the power of the word.
Perhaps we can learn a lesson from that .
Phizzy, proud to be an Apostate, and happy to shout it out to all you fellow Apostates when I see y'all.
Jesus was an apostate.
Paul was an apostate.
Our black friends, by making the use of the N word acceptable among themselves, have emasculated the power of the word.
Is it this word? -
I guess we don't share the same "black friends" after all.
Octopopes F'n creepin' and feedin'...R&F be cryin'..bleedin'
I'm preachin' the TTATT, Yo! the truth I'm seedin'
Fat WT cats lyin' and rapin'..hatein' making kid cry fo' educatin'
The WT is crumblin' for shizzle, going extinct like T-rizzle, no brain storm, just drizzle...
Takin' the watchtard to task, removin' the mask. like Sparlock the tractazines belong in the trash..
Ivory towers fall, justice for all. I'm proud to be apostate, fightin' for yall..
Word to my Aposteezez fo' sheeze... peace out!!
^^ Ha! DataDog, your composition reminds me mightily of Robert Burns' poems! Bravo!
It may even similarly stand the test of time.
Word up, homey!
Where we heal through humor
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