Calling Someone an Apostate Is No Different than calling Someone the N word?

by WhoYourDaddy 49 Replies latest members adult


    Dolphinc said," So what is the big deal?"

    I think it's a bid deal to be told that you deserve eternal death, don't you? What about all of your family turning on you, just because you don't agree with fallible human leaders?? What about being told you are practicing self-deception by being correct about a bible teaching BEFORE the GB?!?! I knew there was no FDS class, all Christians were domestics and no one had been appointed over any belongings way before the AGM nu-light. That made me deserving of eternal death??? I am not allowed to have private beliefs or I deserve eternal death??? You don't see a problem with that?

    Here you go. Tell your friends...


  • Majak

    Hey Splash,

    Thanks for the shout-out.

  • RottenRiley

    Can we call JWs Apostate Christians? How would JWs like us calling them Cult Members too stupid to know they are being duped?

    Perry, are JWs considered Apostate Christians in Fundamental Christian Churches? They teach a new gospel, that's been proven on JWN!

  • sarahsmile

    I was called an apostate in the book store then she threatened to call the cops! It took me by surprise.

    JW sure do like to have long lectures but some do not like to hear a lecture. They enjoy quoting scriptures but hate it when people point out interesting facts!

    She was loud held out her phone.

    Akso, thirty years ago where I worked a JW acted up in the elevator because I said something. She was strange because she was trying to get someone to steal files. Anyhow it was the work place. Another person turned his back every time I walked by, crazy!

    Any how, they both had that wild look about them.Just like my mother when she did the same to people.

    Prejudice needs a hate group to grow and it needs name calling for fuel.

    I think it is a tool to see if the group will obey. Feel hate! Act it out!

    Self fullfilled prophecy to get the other group to turn on them so they can claim persecution. WT is propaganda to make people feel hate toward another group.

    It worked for Hitler.

  • RottenRiley

    Sarah, JWs are good at one thing, they want their monologue! I hate talking the Bible with JWs because they don't listen very well, I had better luck speaking with members of a group home who wanted a clergy member to visit a few people who enjoyed Bible topics. I had a good time with schizophrenic Bible lovers, both persons actually listened and we shared scriptures.

    JWs don't listen, they start to shut down like they are conditioned to when the Scriptures you present surpass their basic knowledge. Ray Franz pointed out "I never met many JWs with a good Bible education, very few knew deep matters of the Bible. This was the same with the Company Men, very few of them knew the Bible, Jewish and early Christian culture and history behind the Bible". Ray Franz Jr. felt JWs Bible growth stops at a Elementary Level and the books they read never allowed the to move in to the deep and meaty Bible topics. I think Ray Franz was a great judge of character, his books were filled with love and kindness, he wanted the Witnesses to know they bought in to a lie and Ray Franz paid a great price to bring us these truths about the Organization.

  • sarahsmile

    Ray Franz Jr. I remember when he was at the assembly announcing he was stepping down. Everyone loved his talks and no other could give an hour talk like him.

    Maybe he was a Faithful Slave Class giving meat at due season like his book.

  • sparrowdown

    I apologize if someone has already mentioned this but how is labeling someone

    apostate any different from the so called evil catholics labeling someone heretic and damning them to hell for it?

  • Phizzy

    J.W's fear Apostasy and Apostates like nothing else. When I was accused (rightly, LOL) of Apostasy by an Elder,

    his voice dropped in fear, almost to a whisper, as he spoke the word !

    It is simply used as a word to demonise those who have left, so that no inquiry may be made as to WHY the person left.

    It is simply cult propaganda, similar to the name calling done by Totalitarian regimes against those who oppose them. Like the way Nazis used the word "Jew".

  • sarahsmile

    Hmmm, it really is only for the in group no one in society understands.

    It has done something mentally to individuals who take the WT too far and actually use the term.

    They look crazy!


    A friend of mine told me that a very well-to-do Elder gave the human apostate talk at his DC. It was pretty hilarious because he grew up with the guy,and he was just reading the outline with emphasis as trained. Well, they had "anointed" apostate issues at Walkhill or somewhere nearby. According to his story, dealing "apostates" was the scariest thing ever experienced by the Eldubs, and he never wanted to go through that again...


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