Calling Someone an Apostate Is No Different than calling Someone the N word?

by WhoYourDaddy 49 Replies latest members adult

  • confusedandalone

    "From the abusers point of view, hate-speech is meant to put you in your place. Also, apostates are considered sub-human. They are demonic, mentally diseased persons with spiritual hydrophobia. They are unfit for life according to the WT."

    From my experience of calling others apostates and others doing it in conversation and even now being called one the average JW is not using it as hate speech. Often times its like this. "Did you hear about Brother Soandso??? He is an apostate now!!!! OMG" The magazines and articles refer to apostates in a negative light and may be considered hate speech by some if not many. However it also comes with the sense that this person has made a decision to stand in opposition to god and his organization and in turn must pay. My mother has called me an apostate but it wasn't with hatred... more in a sense of sorrow. I have become so haughty etc... a few people have sent me emails stating the same. Those words hold nowhere NEAR THE POWER that the term NIGGER does. As a matter of fact after stating my piece I felt good because I am labelled for somethign I believe in. At the end of the day you can say, "I AM PROUD TO BE AN APOSTATE" you can even accept the term.

    When I was 16 playing basketball in a park in a white neighborhood in Millburn New Jersey with 4 brothers from the hall and being asked, "What the fuck are you niggers doing here playing basketball? You better get your black asses back down to Newark with that shit!" I felt demeaned / threatened / scared /powerless etc. I also realized that there was nothing I could do to change the situation. When we got back in the car all of us just sat there silent feeling like crap and ashamed to say anything about it. At the end of the day all you can do is feel powerless. Why would you want to say, "I AM PROUD TO BE A NIGGER" no one would accept that term from those throwing it on them in a negative fashion.

    Huge difference. As a matter of fact in the hall any black brother you call an apostate would be mad... now you call him a nigger and I am sure that the results would be far worse.

    I hope this is not coming across combatative but I have to say that the two words are not really comparable

  • Majak

    Actually, an earlier meaning of the word apostate is runaway slave. I've escaped the WTB$ and I don't want to sell myself back to them.

  • dolfinc

    You guys are just blabbing about the word "Apostate". Apostacy is an abandonment. A renounciation of previous beliefs. So what is the big deal?

    No one is begging you to be a JW. Neither is anyone forcing you. Do what you like and brag about your foolishness. An apostate to a JW is not an apostate to a Muslim.

    You should start talking with your brains thinking.

  • cantleave

    Welcome to the forum Dolfinc. We love trolls here.

  • WhoYourDaddy

    You ladies doth protest too much. err mentally diseased apostates (that according to jw's) deserve eternal damnation.

    Oh yeah. That's really rich. wtf is wrong with you people.

  • dolfinc

    You can call me whatever you want cantleave. I won't call you names. I am just being factual.

  • wasblind

    " No one is begging you to be a JW." __dolfinc

    You Are a LIAR

    The WTS teaches Witnesses how to beg



    JDUB : Rings bell, DING DONG

    Householder : " I'm not interested "

    JDUB : " Is that your usual reply when Jehovah's Witnesses call ?...Have you ever really wondered why we keep calling ? or what we have to say ?... Briefly, the reason I came to see you is that I know something that you should know too. Why not listen just once ?"___Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 16



    " Niether is anyone forcing you "______dolfinc

    You told yet another LIE



    Jehovah' Witnesses disfellowship and shun family members

    who no longer believe in the lies of the WTS

    Don't believe it, read pages 154-155 in your Organized to do Jehovah's Will book



  • Splash

    Welcome Majak!!

    So you thought you could slip in undetected hey?

    Looking forward to hear from you!


  • wizzstick

    You should start talking with your brains thinking.

    What does that mean?

    Is this what reading the WT does? Destroy the ability to write coherently ?


    No one is begging you to be a JW. Neither is anyone forcing you.....dolfinc

    ...................The WBT$ Threatens "Anyone" Who Doesn`t Join Their JW Cult..

    ..........................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

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