nope, never did, when I had to as at a convention I just shut my eyes and counted to 100
Do you pray over your meals? If so why? If not, when did you stop and why?
by BU2B 48 Replies latest jw friends
I still pray to God, but I am annoyed with him and have been for a while, so when I eat I express my feelings to God, but generally don't give thanks to him. I tell him what I want from him in order to give him more respect, I tell him that I don't think he cares about anyone anyway or he would act. My prayers are more of a rant than showing appreciation.
I believe there is a creator, but I just don't respect him like I used to. Kate xx
new hope and happiness
Havnt read this long thread, but i must say i always hated having witness guests around for a meal and having to pray....i never belived they did it with every meal and as for me i thought i should be praying to my government...the very government if i voted i would want out of power. I am glad now i dont play those games.
Faith and prawer go together. If you don't beleive in that form of communication with the Creator of food then prayer is a waste of time.
I pray, but not before every meal. I don't pray in public, but in privacy. I appreciate the beauty, and the ability of our planet to sustain all forms of life, and I beleive in a Creator who has made this possible.
That's just my personal comments
...the Creator of food
In his infinite wisdom the lord did make cows and sheep from meat.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green He leadeth me the silent waters by.
With bright knives He releaseth my soul.
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places.
He converteth me to lamb cutlets,
For lo, He hath great power, and great hunger.
When cometh the day we lowly ones,
Through quiet reflection, and great dedication
Master the art of karate,
Lo, we shall rise up,
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water." -
No, but I do spare a thought for those who go hungry and I'm grateful that I've never had that worry. Accident of birth I'm afraid. If a good God existed it'd have sorted such problems long ago. I'm more concerned with humanity now I've abandoned bronze age superstition. I stopped when I realised that talking to an imaginary friend wasn't a sane thing to do although the habit did persist for a while even after I'd concluded there was nobody there to listen. Childhood conditioning I guess.
An interesting thread propounded here. But, I've wondered for a long time, concerning those who DO pray over a meal. What about when you pull into a gasoline station, to get your vehicle re-fueled. Just before pumping the gas into your tank, do you say a silent prayer for that gasoline, too? After all, you're "feeding" the vehicle it's needed fuel. But, did some "God", some "Creator" just majigally put that fuel into the underground tanks at the gas station? Nope. It didn't happen. It was put there by someone. Why don't you offer some thanks to the driver of the truck who drove there, and pumped the fuel from the tanker trailer, into the tanks beneath the gas station? Why don't you say a silent prayer to the owner or owners of the station who maintainthe gas station, so that you can pull in and get some fuel for your vehicle? Why not say a praryer to the people who work at the refinery, wherever that is located? Or the water for your radiator, or air for your tirres? Do you "thank" a creator for those things, also? Why not? But, as stated earlier, the gasoline was NOT put into the underground tanks by some miracle , some creator, ready for you to pump it into your vehicle. Just a thought...Ive never seen ANYONE, praying, just before putting some fuel into their car...
Captain Obvious
Last i prayed over a meal was many months ago with my wife... Right before I told her that was the last prayer I would every give. It started. A really nice conversation actually! It's all in how you come across.
I gave gave up prayer when I realized I was just praying to myself.
I liked it when I did and I like it now that I don't.