Do you pray over your meals? If so why? If not, when did you stop and why?

by BU2B 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I still believe in God. However, I stopped when I came to the conclusion that it didn't make sense to pray him all the time. And when you look at the unanswered prayers all around us... it makes it harder to believe he would listen to my prayers two, three + times a day.

    So, when I pray (once in a while), I try to make it meaningful.

    Where is it in the bible that christiens or true worshippers would pray before every meal?

  • LostGeneration

    Who works to buy the food? Who makes the food?

    Once I realized Jah was out of the loop, I stopped giving him so much credit.

    Been five years now, the food still shows up. I guess he never had anything to do with it!

  • quellycatface

    No. I thought it a bit over the top to be honest. I think for Special Meals, like Christmas and Thanksgiving, it's a nice tradition.

    Praise be to Marks & Spencer!!!

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    My young daughter went through a phase of praying before eating (copying my JW parents).

    When I questioned her she told me she was thanking God for her food. I quickly corrected her and told her she should be thanking me for going out to buy the food and then spending time preparing her meal.

    She no longer prays

  • mynameislame

    I was thinking about this very subject recently and wondering why dinner time is the default time for prayer. There is so much more to be grateful for than just food.

    Might be just me but I don’t remember there being a lot of emphasis on prayer. Why would there be when we can leave that up to the experts, the FDS.

    It also seems to me that the JWs don’t show much gratitude. We said thanks for meetings and what the FDS provided bla bla bla. But I don’t remember ever seeing the majority show any gratitude for the little things in life. And I don't remember any of it seeming very sincere.

  • Zoos

    I quit praying before meals long before I woke up and left to organization. Every single freaking meal, e v e r y d a y ! ! ! It started sounding like a chant. A pre-recorded message that amounted to noise without meaning. I don't have a problem expressing my gratitude to God but EVERY MEAL?

    James 1:7 - Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the [celestial] lights...

    Yes, but...

    BU2B - I came to the realization that if god gets the thanks for having food, then he also gets the blame for when there isnt any.

    I find it difficult to thank God for my full plate of food every day when there is abject poverty just up the street from me.

  • pronomono

    Sometimes when my wife spends a lot of time on an awesome dinner I still feel like I should thanksomeone like a prayer. But, the funny thing is it feels like i should say prayer to her. Seriously. I was laughing telling her the other day. I feel like praying to her and thanking her.

    Comatose, my thoughts, exactly.

    Currently, I pray for appearances only during my fade.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I'm with Comotose and Zoos on this! Prayer by rote don't do it for me.

  • cofty

    If you thank god for your food, you simultaneously judge him for failing to provide for the countless millions who have starved to death during the 200 000 year history of our species.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Cofty, now come on.... adam and eve ... that was just 6 000 years ago. ;)

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