Yes, I was more interested in this thread before clicking on it, when I thought it referred to the dating of historical events.
Problems of Dating the Watchtower Way
by enigma1863 61 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This thread reminds me of a disturbing talk at a district assembly in the early 1970s. Back then all single JWs were expected to devote all our youthful energies into full time pioneering and were encouraged to "wait until the New System" regarding marriage. We were constantly getting lectures from the platform and in the literature about this because the end was soooooo close!
Anyway, this particular talk actually advised brothers who felt unable to remain single not to waste valuable time on courtships as the only thing that mattered was a mutual love of pioneering and being able to serve Jehovah full time together. Yes, that's right, just marry the first person you meet who is also looking for a marriage mate and you will automatically be compatable with each other!!
I wish I could recall the brother's name who gave that talk. I wonder how many messes up lives he was responsible for!
That's right ambersun, the 'threefold cord'.............if you had big J in your marriage & put 'kingdom interests' first what could go wrong.
My goodness the WT has spouted some rubbish over the years.
This thread reminds me of a disturbing talk at a district assembly in the early 1970s. Back then all single JWs were expected to devote all our youthful energies into full time pioneering and were encouraged to "wait until the New System" regarding marriage.
The more things change the more they stay the same. The Watchtower published a book called Children in the early 1940s that advised youths not to get married on account of the nearness of Armageddon. The 10 year-olds this crap was pushed on would now be dead or well into their 80s.
Anyway, this particular talk actually advised brothers who felt unable to remain single not to waste valuable time on courtships as the only thing that mattered was a mutual love of pioneering and being able to serve Jehovah full time together. Yes, that's right, just marry the first person you meet who is also looking for a marriage mate and you will automatically be compatable with each other!!
I'm convinced this is what happened to my brother. He was in his early 20s and married a woman in her late 20s. She was already an old maid by WT standards. I think he truly loved her but I never got the sense that she did. She was always cold and unaffectionate towards him and our family in general. She was uber-zealous and was doing the "spiritual" thing, aka being obedient to the GB, by marrying my brother who had rank in the organization and appeared to be headed for a nice "spiritual career." It saddens me to see my brother because he's clearly stuck in a loveless marriage with no way out.
I recall the young sisters at one circuit assembly in the 1970's were admonished to ask any young man that they thought was showing interest in them what his spiritual goals were & NOT to consider him as suitable marriage material unless he was at least a pio or MS.
It was funny to see them try to filter out the 'unsuitable' young men.............some of them should've thought themselves lucky any lad would have thought of marrying them.
Also believe me pioneers DO NOT make good marriage mates.
The "threefold cord" thing always gave me a weird kinky vibe...
Yes Vid' how did these uber JW's keep big J out of the 'marriage bed'..........
They don't.
That's why an uber-JW's sex life sucks; how the hell can someone who's that uptight and conservative enjoy the experience if they think someone's always watching?
I know of so many failed marriages between "spiritually strong" JWs, proving that a mutual love of "The Truth" is NOT all that's needed for a successful union. I can remember one particularly disastrous marriage that was annulled within about a week or so. I never found out the gory details other than they realised on their wedding night that a terrible mistake had been made! The mind boggles!!
When you take into account their belief that they are destined to spend forever in the New System with each other, how cruel and irresponsible to marry them off without allowing them to make sure they are thoroughly compatable. Obviously it is far better for them to spend eternity with someone totally unsuitable, who they only married out of desperation for a bit of nookie, than to risk touching each others' naughty bits without a walk down the aisle first!
Here's the real problem: In JW world
Thing like talking on the phone regularly = Dating = Ready to get Married Imminently
You can make it so ONE of those two equalities is true, and have a reasonable dating structure. But having them BOTH be true is completely nonsense.