Some Musings

by Farkel 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beans


    I hate long Threads but I read all of yours for some reason. I think I read it because it was so honest which I really appreciated. Listening to the exit of others really hits home with me for some reason and I think it is because I can put my scars right beside everyone elses. I also think that those who are older and have come out after years of commitment show that the mind can be turned around as I think is impossible with my father!

    Happy Birthday!


    Oh yeah, I hate reading because my father forced me to read that bloody bible and yelled at me when I stumbled!

  • neyank

    Hi Farkel,

    We've never met and probably never will,
    but I have enjoyed reading your posts.

    I have also learned much from yours as well as others hard work.

    It's a pleasure reading what comes from a persons heart and not something that's faked.


  • Undecided

    Hi Farkel,

    Glad things are going better for you. I've been lucky so far, always had just enough to get by, don't know about the next couple of years but I guess things will work out. My two step kids are having some hard times right now but my youngest daughter is doing great. Life is like that I guess, good times, hard times, I guess we just have to take it as it comes.

    Ken P.

  • Gozz

    Happy Birthday Farkel. May you live long. May you have peace. And may poverty never come your way again. Amen. You've done much good. You deserve a good life. Happy Birthday.

  • Farkel


    :SJ (who lives in Sacramento and hasn't seen hide nor hair of the Farkelmeister...)

    I don't have a phone yet and my partner (who has a cell phone) is off running errands. I'll try to call you later this afternoon. I'm in Citrus Heights, btw. Near you? Took a nice drive by Folsom Lake on my B-day yesterday.


  • Victor_E

    Happy B-day Farkmeister you ole geezer, I can see that people, situations, life, yada yada yada, has smoothed some of those sharp edges in you. I am a big fan of your writings, your candor and sincerity always comes through. You have made me crack up many a time with your morbid, vengeful, satire .....keep it up (and I mean your writing). May you have many more b-days, God bless you.


  • BoozeRunner

    Hi Farkel, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I have enjoyed your postings since H2O. Yu always ct to the chase, and the best thing is:YOUR RESEARCH. You are excellent at it; always backing up what you say.

    Glad to know that you are back on your feet.

    Hell, if you are ever in NJ, I'll buy you a few lap dances at the strip joint I work in, and maybe even see if some babe can arrange a blow job. [8>]
    (its a guy thing ladies) LOL


  • Celia

    So glad to see you in here again.
    Wonderful piece, as usual.
    Happy Birthday to You
    Have you seen this thread ?
    and I am looking for another one....
    Be right back...

    Here it is, see, I wished you a Happy Birthday already before !

    etc. etc,

  • jst2laws

    Hey Farkel,

    I enjoyed your story (not "boring"). I miss that wild H2O atmosphere. That is where I first started lurking and followed you guys here.

    I'm glad you have regained work stability. You had some of us worried for a while.

    We will be traveling to the west this summer and hope to meet a lot of people on this board. Make sure I have you current email and phone number and we will see if we can make it your way for a meal out. OK?


  • Englishman


    You're only 54?

    Shit, and I always looked at you as some sort of father figure.

    Englishman. 55.

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