Some Musings

by Farkel 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grunt

    Happy Birthday, Farkel!

    I am so glad that your financial situation got better. I am glad you turned 54 free of the cult. By the way, I also was an old H20 guy but I came here well before the crowd. I miss the old H20, I also miss this place as it was. Your coffeeshop comparison was a good one. I do have to take exception to one thing. For me it was not that some of the old H20 crowd was aggressive it was that they were bad about personally insulting people who disagreed with them. Maybe that is a city/country difference, (rural southerner here) at least that was the part that bothered me. We are all on the same side, no use in slapping at each other when we have a common foe that needs whipping in the worst kind of way.

    Anyway, glad things are better for you, I wish you happiness, and hope you continue to fight the fine fight against the Tower and its lying minions.

  • Hmmm

    Glad to see you back, Farkel.

    Since it's your birthday, would you like anybody's head on a silver platter? (Only one, not 12)


  • one


    Iam sure you can write a best seller and strike rich. It is difficult to create or simulate cadence when writing programs besides users are ungrateful. Not to mention Babilon, you know the never ending language proliferation. Where is your TRS-80 c/pm, gone with the piano? It may be worth something at a computer museaum

  • Cygnus


    You may not remember but you gave me quite a bit of good advice when I was exiting the JWs. I will always be grateful.

    And, I have the archives of the old H2O on 4 CD-ROMs. If you ever want copies just let me know.

  • Farkel


    : Where is your TRS-80 c/pm, gone with the piano?

    I had an Alspa computer. The Trash 80 didn't come out for a few years after that! My Alspa finally died a good death and I tossed it. I wish I would have kept my original 1981 IBM PC, though.


  • Farkel


    Thanks for the kind words.

    : And, I have the archives of the old H2O on 4 CD-ROMs. If you ever want copies just let me know.

    I may just do that. Sooner or later I'm going to compile my better stuff and do something with it. It'll probably be later, though!


  • outnfree

    Happy Belated Birthday, Farkel!

    I'm glad things are looking up for you now.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    Happy Belated Birthday, Farkel.

    You old fart!

    Enjoyed the post.

    An Old Fartette

  • notperfectyet

    You play the piano Farkel?

    Wow, my hero plays the piano!

    I'm glad your move went well.

  • sf

    You're fuckin' weird...

    'hope we can make peace', then you do not even acknowledge my reply to you.

    Damn, you are an ass.

    Love, sKally

    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

    “What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)

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