emeth - you are fooling yourself - there was a whole WT Study about Making Sacrifices acouple of weks back which used the word donate about 10 times and was very heavy on the guilt - that is tactic number one for the organisation to raise funds.
On the whole controlling issue - maybe I didn't explain myself very well - she has free use of the money she earns - I do not ask her to donate a cent to the family coffers - I pay everything - food, rent, family outings and holidays - but when she asks me to top up her discretionary account with my money I think I am entitled to know what she is spending her money on before I agree. I think I am being more than generous not asking her to contribute to family expenses but it is a bit rich when she asks me to give her additional money without explaining why. It is all part of my campaign to get her to open up. If she were more open, I would be more relaxed