And there is no prohibition on higher education. People can decide themselves what they will do. What is emphasised is that we can make only one thing the most important in our lives and that persuing a career will cost a lot of time an effort. Time is something you have only once, so we are advised to use it wisely.
Well, thanks for the belly laugh! *wiping tears from my eyes* Are you a complete hypocrite or seriously challenged in your comprehension skills? The WT has prohibited higher education since the 60s (I can't speak to pre-60s as it was before my time).
And here's a question for you, emeth. You said: 'Time is something you have only once" ........... so, does this mean you are not looking forward to Eternal Life on a Paradise Earth? HMMMMM?????? Do I sense that you are 'spiritually weak'? Keep reading the forum ..... :))
Making the Kingdom of God and proclaiming the Good News a priority and most important thing in life is wise in our eyes and foolish in the eyes of the world.
So, when do you plan to move to, let's say, China? To preach where the 'need is great'? Have you truly made the Good News your priority? HMMMMM? Unless, of course, you are already serving J******* full time. In that case, my apologies.
We dont care about what others think. We do things the way we think its best.
Tut, tut! smh ... have you not read the Society's directives on how to dress, the length of men's haircuts or if you are a 'sister', the length of your skirt, etc., etc. ? If by 'we', you mean Jehovah's Witnesses, then indeed you should care about how the world sees you. The Society has made it very clear that the world's perception of their members is extremely important. Appearances mean a great deal to the cult leaders.
It seems like you haven't quite 'gotten the script', imnsho.
Besides that most of the JW's make a decent living and have more than enough money to care for themselves.
Okay, this doesn't even deserve a rebuttal.
Fraz .... you just gotta love the apologists! hahha
Stay strong and loving, as you obviously are. It's a tough row to hoe, and jgnat, TD and several others here, have great advice for UBMs. Marriage is tough in the best matches, and to have this between you ... well, my heart goes out to you.