You have difficulty responding to questions don't you.
What is your point? you want to put your flag next to an old hypothesis that most physicists would be content to accept as a percieved coincidence or expected parsmeter when under the influence of our laws. Pi is evident in all spherical objects, the golden ratio is also evident all over the universe. We don't say this is evidence of a god, we research why it is that way.... this is how we have gone from horse and cart to space stations in a hundred years.
I assume you want to stamp 'designed by my god' on it because you have seen something that appears orderly, exact and measurable. As I said, why not stamp pot holes, with perfectly filled puddles. It is almost like the pot hole was 'designed'. You dismiss this analogy too quickly,,when you grasp it you will see why your hypothesis means nothing at all.
I think you know how weak this is and if you want to stand by it go ahead. The fact you are talking about these structures with terminology suxh as BIG BALLS makes me believ you are a half witted troll or a half witt. Either way you are offering nothing new to the world.