The follwing is a partial list of ways that the GB uses to extract money from the publishers:
1. Debit and credit card ATMs in JW Assembly halls (electronic collection plates).
2. Debit and credit card ATMs at District Conventions (electronic collection plates).
3. Congregations having to pay for retired CO's and DO's living expenses.
4. Three to four different contributions boxes (each for a different purpose) in each Kingdom Hall.
5. Donations with the WTBTS as beneficiary: Wills and trusts, gift annuities, real estate, stocks and bonds, bank accounts, life insurance policies.
6. Fund raisers for building new Kingdom Halls: A Household Financial Survey form is given to each head-of-house to determine how much WT can expect to collect from each family.
7. online automated monthly collection/payment plan.
Interesting that the expression ...."Religion is a Snare and a Racket" originated with a past JW leader Judge J.F. Rutherford (1939) and little did he know then-that that's what the WTBTS would eventually become.......'A Snare And A Racket'!