ATMs in assembly halls

by Xanthippe 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Xanthippe

    I guess I just feel like this is making a mountain out of a molehill

    Did you regular pioneer Apognophos? My husband and I did twenty-five years regular pioneering between us. Money was a mountainous issue for us, no molehill. Food shopping was a nightmare. We added it up as we went around to the last penny. We only spent clothes money on coats and boots for winter FS. We lived in a rented apartment in a rough area which I hated. Our furniture was second hand. Yes my husband window-cleaned, this guy who later found he was capable of getting a physics degree and becoming a chartered scientist. Money was a huge issue for us and we contributed every week at the KH as well. For poor publishers struggling for life's necessities and those pioneering for a long time giving huge amounts by card is causing great hardship.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Xanthippe: For poor publishers struggling for life's necessities and those pioneering for a long time giving huge amounts by card is causing great hardship.

    Amen to that sister!

    And the GB won't be happy with just the 'widow's mite' if you're paying by card.. They're expecting anywhere from say $50 to $75 to $100 or more from you! So leave your pennys, nickels and dimes at home.

  • Apognophos

    Money was a huge issue for us and we contributed every week at the KH as well. For poor publishers struggling for life's necessities and those pioneering for a long time giving huge amounts by card is causing great hardship.

    Hmm, who told you how much to give? I don't understand that. It sounds like you're blaming the Society for your own anxiety issues resulting in your trying to buy salvation.

    They're expecting anywhere from say $50 to $75 to $100 or more from you!

    What's the basis for this statement?

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    It sounds like you're blaming the Society for your own anxiety issues resulting in your trying to buy salvation.


    Can you feel the love?

    Apog- you must still be an active JW, maybe an elder?

  • Apognophos

    Not an elder, just feeling brutally honest this morning. Let's accuse the Society of the things it's actually doing wrong, there's no need to make up stuff.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    At the last assembly I attended 3 years ago at a WT Assembly Hall, the "rent" was $8000/day X two days. Plus, the elders always voted to send an additional $5,000 gift to WT (as if $8,000/day rent is not enough). So, that's $21,000 for two days. Our Circuit Assemblies has roughly 1,200 in attendance. $21,000 divided by 1,200 = $17.50 per attendee; for a married couple, $35; for a family of 5, $88. And, I've heard of daily rents that are much higher than $8k.


    Apog: Hmm, who told you how much to give? I don't understand that.


    You can be sure that every JW in the audience is doing a quick calculation to determine what they "owe" for being at that assembly. No matter how poor they are, none wants to be guilty of "stealing" from Jehovah by donating nothing or not enough, so they get out their credit card and charge it. As reported at the following assemblies, there was always a surplus from the previous assembly, which also was sent to WT as a gift. That means that on average JWs contributed more than $17.50 each. So JW Gone Bad's figures are not without merit.


    So what's your point, Apog?

  • ILoveTTATT

    I clearly remember this making me have a high level of cognitive dissonance. I went to NY around August 2012 and I went to the Stanley Theater. I remember having read the articles against credit card payment for donations, and then seeing a credit card donation stand at the Stanley Theater. I clearly remember thinking I HAD to take a picture, and I did!! Because for me, that was shocking!!

    I will post the picture soon.

    Also, I clearly remember an assembly where they condemned credit cards like they were the devil! It went something like "if you pay with a credit card and you pay the minimum payment, by the end you will pay three times as much as the item originally cost. So putting the item on a credit card so you can get it now means that you are willing to pay THREE TIMES what it costs to have it now. That's not only impatience, it is GREED, brothers and sisters, it is GREED."

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad


    They're expecting anywhere from say $50 to $75 to $100 or more from you!

    'What's the basis for this statement?'

    What, are you in the first grade? The WTBTS is not, simply not interested in soliciting someone's 'widow mite'.

    WT is not interested in a hand-out, as in your pocket change. They want the green! They are soliciting in increments of $50s, $75s, and $100s. They know they stand a good chance of getting those amounts using the ATM machines.

    It's worked for Christendom and WT thinks it'll work for them!

    Admit it Apognophos-the WTBTS has become a cash cow! And just what is a cash cow? A cash cow is business jargon for a business or religious venture intent on generating a steady flow of mula ($$$$$)!

    Bottom line: The WTBTS has become a greedy whore!


    Well, I can't disagree. I guess I just feel like this is making a mountain out of a molehill.....Apognophos

    If the WBT$ hadn`t made a Big Deal of ATM`s in Churches,The subject would have never come up..

    The WBT$ made the Mountain..JWN is Pointing at it..

    I can hardly even remember those articles criticizing the churches over this because it was a very minor footnote in the history of JW criticism of other religions.....Apognophos

    JW`s can`t remember the "Real Definition" of a Generation.....Preaching 1975 for Decades..Or..

    Building the Beth Sarim Mansion,for Resurrected Bible Characters..

    Man, what would happen if the Society did something major like accepting the cross again? I think this forum would just explode.....Apognophos

    JW`s would Embrace it.....JWN would point out the Glaring Hypocricy..


    JW`s would wonder why we`re making a Mountain out of a Mole Hill..

    ........................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • nonjwspouse

    My husband was denying this ATM presence just today. Never has he seen them there these past few years ( so he said) , and he asked others and they have't either. Hmpfhs... he is still in his WT denial. If he does attend any this year , he will see them.

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