June Study WT Up and Bashing Uni Again

by konceptual99 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • konceptual99

    Rehashed format but same ole' shite.

    Hypocritical article on viewing "weak" ones compassionately usign the example of a single mum arriving late yet the May KM has a whole article on how rude it is not to be punctual.

    Read it and weep...

  • respectful_observer

    Just perused the article. It did tow the typical party line regarding "higher education", but I have to say I expected a harder message. It seemed to focus on what you could get from spiritual goal that you couldn't from Uni.

    What I found most baffling was the example of Flavia they used:

    Gaining Benefits Unattainable at the University


    WHEN Flavia was a young girl, her grandmother, who was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, spoke to her about the Bible. However, her father was a teacher, and he tried to instill in her a desire to learn about nature and get a higher education. Other people told her, “Your generation can save the planet from ruin.” With her father’s backing, she went to a prestigious university, where she started researching ways to produce clean fuel.

    Flavia soon noticed that many students had no interest in ‘saving the planet.’ Also, some programs at the university relied on businesses for funding, so researchers might feel inclined to favor those businesses. This bothered Flavia. When Jehovah’s Witnesses called at her door, her interest in what the Bible says about God and the future was renewed.

    Flavia accepted Bible truth and was baptized. But because she was studying for an advanced degree, her time for preaching the good news was limited. One day she listened as the circuit overseer discussed James 4:17: “If someone knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him.” That moved Flavia to think about her own situation. She relates: “While wanting Jehovah’s blessing, I also wanted satisfaction from my career in science. I had to choose.”

    Flavia made the personal decision to end her studies at the university. Did that leave her with regrets? She says:

    “In Jehovah’s service, I have gained benefits unattainable at the university. Jehovah has been good to me. He has taught me to be kind, to show love, to help others spiritually. I have a wonderful marriage and a future far better than the one offered by science. Only Jehovah can save the planet. I will not turn my back on him.” Flavia and her husband serve at the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses in New York.


    So they spend the entire article poo-pooing "higher education", then the example they chose to use was someone who is serving at World Headquarters...with her Undergraduate degree!!!! (Yes, it appears she may have earned it prior to baptism, but still!!!)

    "Don't go to college! Oh, what's that? You have your undergraduate degree? Come to Bethel where we can put your 4-year degree to work!"

  • NVR2L8

    I didn't go to college to obey the FDS but I was offered a job at Bethel...I guess I didn't have enough education!

  • quellycatface

    Complete and utter crap courtesy of the WT.AGAIN.

  • cognisonance

    Flavia soon noticed that many students had no interest in ‘saving the planet.’ Also, some programs at the university relied on businesses for funding, so researchers might feel inclined to favor those businesses.

    Are there flaws with science and conflicts of interest? Sure. I get this is brought up because it bothered the women interviewed, but I can't help and wonder if they made a point to mention it as well to give a negative impression about the types of people that go to college, and university education in general.

    Regardless though, it's just shows how strong a cult can be in attracting people. Give them an idea based on wishful thinking (the idea of a sure-proof solution to environmental problems we face) and even the brightest and best educated people can fall prey. Still part of me finds it incredulous that some with the critical thinking skills that an undergraduate degree would provide could let the fallacies of JW teachings overcome them. But it nonetheless happens (even to me, and I had was an Associate’s degree). The appeal of wanting to live forever, or the earth not being ruined, probably is a big reason why many are attracted to this religion.

  • BU2B

    Wow more claptrap! They say "only Jehovah can save the planet" yet where was he when so many species of plant and animal have gone extict! Without mans "silly" conservation efforts, would whales still swim in our oceans and seas? Would Bison still roam the prarie? Would there be any rhinos, Gorillas, etc left? Doubt it.

    This is yet another example of how JWs add nothing to socitey and only take. They say "Jehovah will fix it" enabling them to feel good while sitting around doing nothing, or peddling the littratrash. Add to that the fact that they look down on people who are trying to help and who succeed in their efforts in many cases. And when a JW sees a nice, sincere "worldly" person, they say "they should become a witness!"

    It is often said by the WT what a great place the world would be if all were witnesses. I couldnt disagree more. It is up to man to do their best as custodians of this planet. If there is a god, they wouldnt be happy with those who do nothing to look after the home they were entrusted with.

  • NewYork44M

    I wish her well. I wonder if she will feel the same thing when she gets terminated from bethel due to downsizing.

    These experiences sound so wonderful, but the reality is that they really describe fiction.

  • pixel

    Blah. Idiots at headquaters.

  • blondie

    Late...a single sister! or a single mother!

    In every congregation I was in the people who were late were the elders, the MS, their families, the pioneers. Rolling in right on the minute but having no time to do their duties before the meeting and leaving right at the end leaving the same to do their work.

    In one congregation the CO came and it was 7:30 and the hall was 1/2 empty. Suddenly 40 people pushed through the door thinking they were on time.

  • hoser

    the last study article is about commending brothers so that they will want to reach out.

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