"We are living in a competitive world where strength and youth are frequently exalted. Many do whatever it takes to get their way, often trampling on the feelings of those who are weaker. "
Sounds like an elder I know
by konceptual99 32 Replies latest jw friends
"We are living in a competitive world where strength and youth are frequently exalted. Many do whatever it takes to get their way, often trampling on the feelings of those who are weaker. "
Sounds like an elder I know
Thus...attending University is now a Sin!
According to a letter to the elders higher education is 4 years or more of post secondary education. And yes according to them it is a sin.
“In Jehovah’s service, I have gained benefits unattainable at the university.
Jehovah has been good to me. He has taught me to be kind, to show love, to help others spiritually.....Flavia.
...........The Old "Worldy" Flavia....................The New "WBT$ JW" Flavia...............The Cat Is Still Afraid Of Her..
................................................................................................................... ...OUTLAW
So I guess she was a cruel unkind unloving vindictive person before she was a JW?
I don't get comments like that. She puts hersef down and exalts Jehovah only. "No need to feel good or proud of your accomplishmentsbc theyre nothing ccompared to what Jehovah can do . "
I ALWAYS hated that reasoning. I.could not understand what was so bad about who I was. Yes, as a jw I learned to perfect long-suffering ... but to my detriment.
Thisarticle is BS. There are so many ways to contribute positively to soceity. Why do I need to wait on Jehovah to bring Paradise? Am I that lazy that incompetent? Being a jdub invites irresponsibility towards oneself amd others. Such a selfish mentality! Im so happy Im out.
Well, I'm sure Flavia is a very nice person, and quite intelligent, indeed, if she was pursuing an "advanced degree."
Evidently. . . .
and unfortunately, she never acquired the critical thinking skills that a college education offers.
Well, I'm sure Flavia is a very nice person.....breakfast of champions
Jehovah has been good to me. He has taught me to be kind, to show love.....Flavia
So that means no more Cats in the Blender?
.......................................................... ...OUTLAW
OUTLAW - Flavia tells me just add extra ice and make sure you rim the margarita glass with lots of salt
Just one more thing on the list that they are wrong about.
People may not be leaving in droves, but are not as blind or dumb as they used to be. Let the WT, a religious org, keep saying education is a bad thing, every day they stand by that line they look more and more draconian.
The hypocrisy is nauseating. I have seen bethelites that were obedient by not doing anything for themselves (university, starting a business etc) just pioneered and I have seen brothers that have received higher education also go to bethel without even pioneering.
Guess who was treated like crap? Yep, the naive brother that obeyed the GB of not "getting ahead" for himself. These have been stuck doing hard labor jobs at bethel while the other who got higher education has his own office in bethel, is friends with the branch committee etc.
I have also seen poor obedient pioneers living a simple life and yet an affluent family in the Congregations that started ther own business, got educated etc. Guess where the C.O. or bethel speakers stayed at? You guessed it, the affluent family with higher education that can provide better accomodations
Todays daily text (03/13/14) said emphatically that starting a business, improving your lifestyle etc is wrong! Yet the WT organization is always planning ahead financially, building properties (free labor), selling properties (tax free), sending elite bethelites to Universities to become lawyers or engineers. Yet if the rank & file do it, they are criticized and made to feel guilty.
J.F. Rutherford had several mansions and two 16 cylinder cadillacs while the pioneers lived in trailers, not getting married, not having children, suffering from hunger and getting mobbed. We have to admit that both Russel & Rutherford were damn good business people knowing how to take advantage of poeple's fear of God.
(BTW: Judah Schroeder son of GB member Albert Shroeder went to NYU and got his law degree. Mention this to elders or the C.O. when they bring up the guilt trips about higher education)