If this pattern is true- look for Brumley- head of legal to be appointed. Just not anointed. Looks like they can fix that.
Will firing the DOs be the first step to a new Watchtower?
by Juan Viejo2 107 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If the 144,000 no longer includes women whether it is a literal number or not this will be a bitter pill for many faithful sisters who have believed themselved to have the heavenly hope, they will be crushed and humiliated. This may have a huge impact at a local level. In the past they have always said that if someone claims to be annointed when they are not then there is no other hope for them, if they are not annointed then they die since they have rejected the earthy hope for something that is not theirs. It would not just be a change of status but condemnation to death.
I wonder if they will be arrogant enough to do this. Being an annointed sister has not always been a quest for prominence since for sisters this has always been something they felt was between them and God. They had no special status in the congregation and no chance to be part of the GB.
How they rationalise this or persuade the flock will be interesting.
Thanks, Juan.
Notjing would surprise me anymore.
Juan Viejo2
RE: RBC reorganization
No. My contact did not mention that he heard or knew anything about the RBC changes. His contacts are mostly in Service, Writing, Administration, and a couple more who might be in legal. Mostly New York corporation insiders. I think RBCs were part of the Penn corp or possibly a different and detached segment of the New York corp. I'm sure someone here has an organization chart that would show where and how the RBCs locked onto mother.
Surprisingly, I've been fortunate to meet many former JWs who were very active volunteers for the RBC new builds. I've also corresponded with a few elders who have had serious run-ins with RBC department managers in their area. One here in Oregon told me that the RBC came in and did an inspection on a Kingdom Hall that was spotless inside and out (quite typical for most larger Oregon KHs - the brothers show a lot of pride in their properties). He told me that the RBC did an inspection of his hall and (this is his description, not mine) "acted like Nazi storm troopers." They did a complete inspection of every plug and drain and window crank. They tested the audio system. This hall had a wide screen TV off to the side of the stage that was a private donation by one of the brothers and approved by the CO - used to train ASL classes. "Get rid of it! It's a distraction." The final straw was when they asked when the carpet in the main hall had been cleaned last. The carpet was typically professionally cleaned twice a year (right after the winter - just before Memorial, and in mid-fall after the summer dust and pine needles stopped falling.) They wanted to see the receipts for the carpet cleaning and any repairs. There was one receipt for a special cleaning and spot removal in one area where an elderly sister with palsy had spilled a full cup of red wine during a Memorial. The spot was so well removed that they could not even find or remember the row where the spill took place, just the general area.
After the inspection, the RBC ordered the replacement of all of the carpet in the main hall. Replacing the carpet would require that the seats be detached from the floor and stored while large sections of carpet would be laid. The local elders all protested that the carpet was in good shape and servicable for probably another 5 years. The RBC not only gave them no choice in the matter, but also wrote a bad report on one of the elders who tried extra hard to reason with them that the funds could be put to much better use in areas like Japan and Haiti where they really needed the help and improvements. He told me that the carpet was replaced and the billing was completely unreasonable based on local costs for materials and labor. Rumors were that the carpet and installation was provided by a company owned by a brother in the region who supplied materials for RBC build projects and who was quite prominent and was often an assembly speaker.
Anyone wonder why that elder is now a former JW? He told me that was only one straw during his last ten years as a JW. "There were many and they were almost constant. But that was the most blatant misuse of power and in my opinion clearly benefitted one of the brothers unfairly. But the RBC simply overrules the complaints or logic of the local elders. I think they come into every Kingdom Hall with orders to find something to spend money on in a way to beneifit (and or payback) a large contributer to the Society. While this might not be 'criminal' in a strictly legal sense, it sure reminds me of 'graft' in the political sense. I'd heard that in the old days (1950s-60s) the Society would do this with car dealers owned by wealthy brothers to buy cars used by COs and DOs. But that whole episode with the RBC and the replacement of perfectly fine carpet was the last straw for me."
(I believe this former elder reads and occasionally posts here on JWN - but I don't know his user ID and would not divulge it if I did.)
Sorry for another long story - but I think it says volumes about how the Watchtower through the RBC is treating local elders with both disrespect and often in a particularly abusive manner. Do you think a few brothers are a little full of themselves like to throw their WT given authority around. Just another example of the complete lack of love - just empty words and a love of power - by many in the mid-ranks of the Watchtower Society.
Sir82. I don't like it when people open their mouths with out thinking about what they are saying. The below is a quote from JWFacts.
"American studies show that Jehovah's Witnesses now have the highest turnover of any religion, 1 as supported by Watchtower figures presented in this section. This dramatic change in growth of Jehovah's Witnesses coincides with the change of the generation teaching in 1995, and access to information via the Internet."
I believe The WTS has quietly been building a private fund to (as cheaply as possibly) compensate the dismissal from duty from those many thousands of redundant full time ministers.
That is the single funniest thing I have ever read on this forum.
Imagine - the Watchtower willingly paying out money!
You'd sooner see an Orthodox Jwish Rabbi kissing the pope's ring and taking communion!
The WTS, paying out money to its members - pricesless!
Thanks for the laugh!
Just adding further to what Juan said about the RBC scams. i can think of a good example of 2 kingdom Halls that in the space of 10-15 years that had 4 refurbishments and then one of the two halls was sold and a new one built. Of those 4 refurbishments 2 were complete strip downs inside. Shortly after the 2nd and a complete refurbishment of one of those halls were carried out, it was sold and a complete new one built. Looking back I would say the cost (with 4 referbs and a quickly built) to the congregations probably would of been a million dollars plus a lot more. As I reminisce on this I just can't help but think what I complete fool I have been taken for. I feel frustrated as a person who is trying to fade, because I can't say anything to loved ones as I don't want to get the apostate label.
I really hope there is reform of the RBC system, and all those JW's who are defrauding their Brothers and Sisters will have to go out and compete in the real world, and charge fair prices. It is just another WT scandal.
Disgusting, when you think of who struggles to donate, and who gives of their time and energy for free, and then there are those at RBC level who are creaming off a good living, by having "two sets of scales", and no integrity or conscience.
With the matter of the WT's downsizing exercise, have you observed how this has gone for similar lumbering Corporations and government Departments etc ?
Downsizing has been nothing short of a disaster for most, as far as delivering quality service goes, they tend to get rid of the people who know what they are doing, and are somwhat dedicated, and you are left with gormless idiots who know nothing, and care less.
Thw WT never has been good at running itself, it has got away with monumental ineptitude by being a Tax Free institution, but these latest moves are not looking good for the W.T.
At least,that is my hope, that it all hastens their demise.