Don't Expect This Site To Change Anybody's Religious Opinion

by minimus 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • cofty

    Wishing you well for a pain free future Talesin

  • minimus

    Tales in, thank you for understanding my very simple point. You got it!!!

  • WTWizard

    I never try to force anyone to change their religions. Just to get them aware that there are other options out there. People have the right to remain xians regardless, and all I can hope for is to offer them that there is another option and a guide (hint: Google) on researching the real origins of Jesus. People also have the right to be closed off toward any spirituality, and again they might point out something within the realm of science that others miss. Ditto those who think astrology is bunk (Hint: What you find in the lamestream sources is, because your sun sign is not the only or even main force in your chart).

    However, it is possible to get someone to thinking. Thinking may lead to independent research, which is what usually leads to changing religion.

  • suavojr

    If we come to this site or any other place with a closed mind, then our views will not change. I think that is what you meant M

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I'd have to say this site greatly influenced what I think about religion.

  • minimus

    Listen, the point is that some people think they will come on a site and expect that they will change other people's views. I'm saying, don't EXPECT to come here or anywhere else and think that your superior view, your correct view will be accepted by others. If you are a hardcore athiest , and a born again thumping Christian tries to show you the light, that Christian shouldn't EXPECT that you will see the same point of view.

    If you are a Jehovah's Witness supporter,don't expect that your line of reasoning will convince others here that you are correct, after all and vice versa.

  • snare&racket

    Of course people change views and the internet is a fantastic source for data to aid that transition. Science is largely learned and communicated via the internet today. Communicating online is visibly changing the world as we watch it. As an atheist I have seen the movement grow and change opinioms across continents in the last decade with increasing momentum all due to the internet and communication.

    I have changed views on many things based on this forum. As for now saying you meant, don't EXPECT to change people's view here, which means the same thing. Again, I would say you are wrong. If you bring an educated, intelligent view with evidence, expect to change the views of people that thought otherwise.

    People hold a view, because they think it is correct. Only a fool will believe something he disagrees with, never mind communcating that view. It is healthy and beneficial for society to bring ideas to public, let the light of day shine on them, good or bad. If you think you are right on a view, you will share it and you will expect to not be proven wrong on it, obviously. Likewise when you communicate it, you will expect it to be accepted as true or you would not believe it yourself. So yes come share your view, expect to be heard, expect to be believed.... or expect to be proven wrong.

    A closed mind may be opened here.

    An ignorant mind may become informed.

    An informed mind may become ignorant.

    The Watchtower ban these site's for a reason, people are influenced by other people.

    Lastly, my inbox is full of PM's from people that have come and changed their view over time.

    Snare x

    Bob Hoskins was no fool.... it's good to talk....

  • cofty

    If we come to this site or any other place with a closed mind, then our views will not change. I think that is what you meant M

    This is a tautology...

    Or perhaps it's a truism. hmmmm?

    don't EXPECT to come here or anywhere else and think that your superior view, your correct view will be accepted by others

    As Snare said it happens quite a lot. First you need to have a well thought-out position and lots of good evidence to support it. Then you need to be good at presenting your argument succintly and have loads of patience to help people work through all their reflex responses. You would be surprised how often it works.

  • minimus

    Cof, you might expect it but I don't. Quite frankly, I don't expect anything from anybody.

  • cofty

    Like Snare I don't just expect it, I have messages to prove it happens plenty.

    Sometimes people hate you for a while before they realise you were helping them. That's cool.

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