:Hilda, what exactly is it about the WT that makes you think they are teaching the truth? The Bible is truth, not the false interpretations that the governing body puts into it.:
wt deny trinity like hans kung. they teach truth.
:Have you ever read the Bible, like in context, or do you just skim and dip like all the other JW's I know?:
I read whole bible in contex many time. Some people tell me I uneducated genius since I have no university degree.
:Read the gospels, start to finish. I bet you wont be a JW long after that.:
I read them many time and still jw. That blow dat theory.
:Also, why do we need someone to tell us what the Bible is saying. Why cant we just let the Bible tell us what it is saying?
Only God tell Hilda what bible say. she only answer to God. God interpret bible. He the author of it.
:No blood, no beards, no smoking, no holidays, shunning, . [In the Bible? Well, not exactly]:
Acts 15:29
I dont like beard. they rough on the lips when you go kiss your hubby.
Cigarettes kill the temple of the body.
Holidays are pagan and brother Paul said get wicked man out from you.
What do you mean, not exactly?