How can anyone form an informed opinion on a topic if those who do understand the topic won't speak up?
Okay. You understand that humans have lost about a tennis ball worth of our brains since our Cro Magnon days?
There is a similar phenomenon with wild canids. They are not as receptive to human body language as domestic dogs, but in all other respects they are much smarter. Traps will eliminate about 10% off of the left hand side of the bell curve and that is all. The rest are too smart to even go near a trap. Poison will get a little bit more and will hurt other species you honestly don't want to hurt. And, depending upon the poison, it could spread though the ecosystem towards the top of the food chain.
This doesn't affect most people, but in places like where I live, (USA, AZ) urban sprawl has crept right up to the gates of native land. You can't even disturb a pebble, much less kill an animal on native land. The land and the wildlife on it is sacred.
Your point about evolution is well made. We are systematically breeding a super species here. I can recognize that, but at the same time, point out that it does not address the here and now.