Teaching children how to use a firearm is a responsible thing to do.- TS677
I have read a number of your posts stating this. If a gun is too powerful for a 5 yr old to fire, the responsible thing to do is wait until the child is stronger. Gun safety and enjoying violent weapons are two different things. Many people get a thrill from firing a violent weapon, gun safety is just the excuse they use.
have you ever been hungry and awaiting the next partrige to fly into your sights-TS677
Food grows on trees, and in the ground. In general starving children do not benefit from knowing how to shoot a violent weapon. In Afrcia rice and corn are the staples. Guns are not common place in that continent, unless used by soldiers to control the people.
I can understand your opinion but I just disagree with you. Dazed, said himself that the gun was too powerful for his son to fire alone.
Kate xx