Is this new donation arrangement for real?

by nugget 324 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    According to the following statement at the end of page 2 of the BOE letter the 'Los Angeles Kingdom Hall Fund' that was set up not even six months ago to collect some $200 million for 72 new Kingdom Halls (affecting all congregations in Ventura, Los Angeles, Riverside and Orange Counties in Southern California) is going to be scrapped and trashed cause this new money making scheme is trumping it:

    • What should be done with other existing resolutions?
    Any previous resolution to support Kingdom Hall construction should be discontinued.


    Strange thing is that apostates are worrying more about where the money goes than those witnesses.

    Let me remind you... its not your money...its theirs.....emeth

    You Ignore the Fact,there are active JW`s here..There are also non JW`s who have JW Mates..

    They have Reason to be Concerned ..

    "Let me remind you... Its not Your Money...Its Theirs"..

    ................................................................................................. photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Well put OUTLAW, well put!

  • cofty

    I don't know what age you are emeth but when I was a youth in the Watchtower we took great pride in the fact that, apart from the monthly accounts report, money was never mentioned ever.

    If you could go back in time to an assembly in the 70s and read out the latest letter, and put up the credit card machines that you have today, they would assume the organisation had been taken over by another religion.

  • hoser

    I don't know where the idea of elders coming to look over your tax return came in. It isn't mentioned in the letter. As for an anonymous pledge I know what I will put on the paper. Zero dollars.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Blondie: but how do you get individual jws who contribute anonymously to give more. There is no accounting, no one knows if they gave or not let alone how much unless they do it by check


    I predict this is how it will go:

    1. WT will direct debit a JWs bank account every month for the "donation"

    2. If a JW pays by check, the Accounts Servant (AS) will compare the check amount to the amount pledged to verify if the amounts match.

    3. If a JW pays by cash, they'll "donate" directly to the Accounts Servant and be given a receipt. The AS will note the cash "donation" on his congregation's "Who Gave What to WT This Month" log.

    4. JWs will pay by credit card. I predict soon that ATM terminals will be located in each Kingdom Hall. Or, the WT will simply direct-charge the JWs CC every month.

    In short, there will no way to skirt the system. If a JW is not donating, the local Monkey's Asses (elders) will know it, and that person will most assuredly be receiving as many "shepherding calls" as necessary to get them on the program. JWs who refuse to participate, or cannot because they are too poor, will be put on a "Spritually Weak" list and be shunned as "bad association". Any JW not "donating" will be viewed as opposing Jehovah™ and not actively supporting Kingdom Interests™.

    And, as has been noted, the expected "donations" will start small, but escalate exponentially. Just like Assembly Halls, the expected donations will become absurd and burdensome. How will JWs be convinced to go along with it? Fortunately for WT, there are a lot of "Emeth" types in the Org.

  • Suspicious

    Better to put an over inflated number on the sheet of paper and then pay zero dollars. This could throw things off by a lot and help wake people up. That's my plan at least.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "However, we are confident that Jehovah will provide what is needed by your generous support."


    I wonder how much Jehovah™ has pledged to "donate" every month? Why doesn't he just pay for his own damn projects?

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Hoser - that did not come from this particular BOE letter. This was from an insider describing future possibilities, not current practices. Go back and read. The tax return situation was based on information provided by a Bethel insider - and may have been based on hearsay. It was only presented as a possible solution to family heads not giving enough in monthly contributions. It may not be applied to those who are meeting their monthly commitments.

    I did forget to mention that my contact suggested that future Watchtower magazines will discuss "family budgeting" and "reducing personal expenses" so that the brothers can find more funds to donate each month. Watch for them - as my contact says they are already being drafted.


  • L3G

    Thanks for this info, nugget, and the link, BluesBro.

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