Is this new donation arrangement for real?

by nugget 324 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Watchtower Donation Short Form


    Line A: how much is your annual income?

    Line B: Please remit "Line A" to Watchtower


    "keep warm and well fed"

    Your Brothers,

    Watchtower Real Estate and Publishing Empire Incorporated

  • neverendingjourney

    If you could go back in time to an assembly in the 70s and read out the latest letter, and put up the credit card machines that you have today, they would assume the organisation had been taken over by another religion.

    The beauty of it is learning the religion's history and realizing the statement holds true for any 30 year block of time you choose. It's sad how blind I was to this when I was a member. Then again, I left when I was in my mid 20s.

  • blondie


    No info indicates yet that the WTS will do more than get money from the congregation account. If they start taking money out of individual jw's account and the jw okays it, then they are stupider than I thought. I can see more jws walking away if this happens...CTR rolling in his grave...or is he in heaven or does he have to wait until after the GT starts. The only people that ID themselves now are those who pay $250 or more and need a written letter from the congregation for tax purposes. Then jws will be as stupid as Mormons.......can you imagine the heyday the gossipers will have in the congregation knowing people's personal monetary situation.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    If they start taking money out of individual jw's account and the jw okays it, then they are stupider than I thought.


    I have complete confidence in the "stupider" factor of JWs.

    The 7-15-13 WT barely got a blink from 99% of JWs. If the WT can so easily sell that load of bovine residue, direct debit is a piece of cake.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    An elder that's a misnomer for a start ; If an elder who has suddenly been given the right and ability presumably from Jehovah to advise on how to manage a persons or families finance then it should be sauce for the gander let's have a look at the elders financial arrangement first just to check he has his own house in order.

    If an elder should sit down next to me which is very unlikely as I am now light years away from the Witnesses but if I was back in the Big Lie I would have another form printed ready with the expense details of my plan of expenditure for keeping a roof over my head especially as I was told to expect the New World any time during the 1950s when I was a young man.

    The first thing I would say to the financially non qualified elder would be You are are having a laugh yes? and the second thing I would say is Have I got stupid across my forehead ?

  • 88JM

    Seems like this would pretty much be tithing, by any other name.

    Why don't they just cut to the chase and merge with the Mormons now?

    EDIT: Whoops - sorry I just saw Comatose already had the same idea!

  • wasblind

    " However, we are confident that Jehovah will provide what is needed by your generous support "


    Short on funds ? No problem

    for your donation write

    " Waitin' on Jehovah to provide"


  • Oubliette

    Cofty: If you could go back in time to an assembly in the 70s and read out the latest letter, and put up the credit card machines that you have today, they would assume the organisation had been taken over by another religion.


    This is most definitely the religion I joined in the '80s.

    It was a cult then, but it's really a cult now!

  • Oubliette

    BOC: Now Jehovahs Witnesses believe in the Rapture. . . . but they don't call it the Rapture. And they believe in tithing. . . . . but they don't call it tithing.

    BOC: I told my wife about this letter and she is very impressed with my predictive "powers."

    We here on JWN always know what's going on before the local elders even find out!

  • leaving_quietly

    Hmm. Triple dipping:

    1. New monthly donation for KH building

    2. Kingdom Hall Assistance Arrangement STILL IN EFFECT

    3. Worldwide Work STILL IN EFFECT

    Aren't all three of these the SAME THING?????

    Does anyone have a scan of any letters about the KHAA and Worldwide Work and what they are for?

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