Is this new donation arrangement for real?

by nugget 324 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leaving_quietly
  • bobld

    WARNING:For those Jehovah's Witnesses who fall victim or are suckered for the scams of the GB.The lastest scam,the GB says it needs money for a hugh number of K.Halls because of the large increase in publishers.Here's how the scam works.We will use the 2013 STATS.The GB says there were 277,344 baptized. 67 publishers per K.Hall equals over 4000 new K.Halls needed.

    REALLY;Lets look at the 2013 yearbook stats again on p.176

    TOTAL CONG. 113,823

    AV.PUBS. 7,698.377

    % INC over 2012 of 2.1 or 166,666 pubs. equals 1.42 pubs per cong. let me say that again 1.42 pubs per cong.if they can't find room for 1.42 pubs. they better fire the RBC.

    Bottom line J.W.don't fall for the scam.In the USA were 32,118 BPTZD and 13,714 cong or 2.34 new pubs per cong.Pray tell why all the new k.h.

  • skin

    Yes, and your figures don't include those bptzd that leave or die. That would bring those percentages down...

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "The need for Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls is greater than ever before," the letter insists. "At this time, over 13,000 Kingdom Hall projects and 35 Assembly Hall projects are needed worldwide."


    last year, if I remember correctly, there were 250,000 baptized. We know that at least half that number are children/relatives of JWs who were already attending meetings, so they are included in the avg. publisher figure and were attending existing KHs. But, let's just take the 250,000 baptized number:

    250,000 divided by 113,823 congregations = 2.19 new publishers per congregation. Why does WT need 13,000 new Kingdom Halls????? But remember, aprox. 50% of baptisms are people that have already been publishing and attending meetings prior to baptism, so 250,000 is not additional people added to the ranks of JWs, and therefore, do not need KH's to accomodate them.

    Even if there were 250,000 new baptisms, there still is no justification for 13,000 kingdom halls.

    250,000 divided by an average of 120 publishers per congregation = 2,083 kingdom halls. But remember, more than one cong. can share a KH, so 2,083 can easily be lowered to 1,041 KHs each accomodating two congregations, or 694 KHs if three congregations share a KH (not an unreasonable expectation). Especially when the worldwide economy is so bad right now, why doesn't WT do what it tells all JWs to do: simplify, learn to live with less, make do with what you have.....Armageddon is just around the corner, remember????

    We also know that historically as many exit WT as come in, so the numbers are really a wash (I firmly believe WT is fudging the numbers to hide the ugly truth of the real state of the Org.)

    WT's numbers are the product from the south end of a northbound moose, plain and simple.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    considering that most of the KHs that might be "needed" are in poor countries where they can be built dirt cheap, and an average cost per assembly hall of $8 million (this is the figure I hear more than any other as what an Ass Hall "costs"), WT could simply pay for all of its KH and AH "needs" out of the $1.2 BILLION dollars it just made from the sale of its Brooklyn real estate, and still have a big chunk of it left over after all the building is complete.

  • Skinnedsheep

    this is going to go over like a lead balloon. the local elders will comply but they will resent it.

    the society is really their own worse enemy. it's like they put their foot in their mouth and then shoot themselves in the head.

  • Suspicious

    So this letter was officially read at our hall. Sorry to inform, but at our hall this didn't faze a single person one bit. In fact, I could see everyone’s face light up with such excitement and joy nearly wanting to clap for this new financial change. There was a slight awe and silent whispering of fascination when they read the part about the there being 13,000 hall projects. I could even see one elder nod his head in agreement whispering to his wife about how wonderful this change is. The WTBTS are really going to cash in on this change.

    Also for the record with everyone doing the math on 13,000 new kingdom halls, I would like to say that the letter never mentioned there are 13,000 new kingdom halls being erected. They said there are 13,000 projects currently in place. To that end, I will also say that although there may actually be 13,000 projects, that number could still be a gross misrepresentation because these “projects” for all we know could include such trivial tasks as changing a light bulb or rearranging seats for the memorial at a Kingdom Hall. We have no definition of what they consider a “project”. Thus the parameters for that definition could be stretched as far out of context as they please without calling it a blatant lie. We have seen how much they like to stretch definitions too…

  • TTATTelder

    They are just devising a way to amass more funds.

    They are guilt tripping the congs with paid for halls to give more And simultaneously trying to convince congs with saved cash to hand it over.


    Sorry... "Give me the money now and I promise to take care of you later" is the oldest scam in the book.


    I talked to another elder about this and he actually defended it. His cong is planning a 50k plus remodel and he said " "hey we won't have to borrow the

    money and we might get a 100k remodel instead and just pay them what we a can afford."

    I was a bit taken aback by the entitlement nanny-state mentality that automatically kicked in. (But I am in the US lol )

    Its totally a franchise/rental-landlord hybrid business model being rolled out progressively.


    I wonder how long the remodel/repair request list will get and how quick. It will be funny to watch.


    Its kind of weird though. They act like such a conservative religion and then want to raise taxes and play Robin Hood like the libs.

  • emeth

    @bobld they need 13,000 Kingdom Halls not because of the increase of publishers per year but because many congregations are meeting in rented facilities, private homes and even sheds in the jungle and countryside of certain countries.

    So those congregations already exist,.. sometimes even for many years. But they dont have a kingdom hall yet. So thats why we need a lot of them

  • Bugbear


    Didn´t the first christians meet in private homes! Or they used wathever they could find to get a roof over their heads.

    I´d like to qoute TTATTelder: Its totally a franchise/rental-landlord hybrid business model being rolled out progressively.


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