Is this new donation arrangement for real?

by nugget 324 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 4thgen

    What a set up!

    RNWT Mal 3:10: "Bring in the entire tithe* into the storehouse, so there may be food in my house..."

    *or all "tenth parts" Lit. empty out.

    That is part of the plan. It makes me sick. No wonder they wanted to print a new Bible. Yes, it's the NWT for Dummies.

    ***Proclaimers book (1993) jv chap. 21 p. 340 How Is It All Financed? ***As early as the second issue of the WatchTower,in August 1879, Brother Russell stated: “‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.”

  • bemused

    I'm getting a bit confused (or even bemused) by this thread. Please bear with me (I'm a never-in), but here's a summary of my understanding. I'd be grateful if you could highlight anything I've got wrong.

    Currently - Anonymous (presumably cash) donations are made at the KH. These could go to one of several funds but most will pass to an account managed by the local elders, less any loan repayments to head office, eg repayment of loans provided for building their hall. (I'm not sure what the BoE then do with these remaining funds other than some local maintenance.)

    New Arrangements - The local assets will no longer exist, other than perhaps a small fund for basic maintenance and any excess existing funds are to be transferred to head office. All new donations are to be passed to head office. The BoE will carry out an anonymous survey to ascertain what the congregation can afford and then, based on this survey, make a commitment to head office that it will do all it can to meet that contribution level. Individual contributions will still be anonymous.

    Speculation - There will be pressure for individuals to make payment by, for example, direct debit so contributions would no longer be anonymous. Elders will review the level of individual contribution and speak to heads of households if the contributions are considered to be inadequate. This could include a review of finances and examination of tax returns.

    Is this right?


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Suspicious: Also for the record with everyone doing the math on 13,000 new kingdom halls, I would like to say that the letter never mentioned there are 13,000 new kingdom halls being erected


    From the Letter:

    "congregations will now be asked to pool their resources worldwide to support the construction of theocratic facilities wherever they are needed.

    Instead, all congregations will have the opportunity to support Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide. . .

    The need for Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls is greater than ever before. At this time, over 13,000 Kingdom Hall projects and 35 Assembly Hall projects are needed worldwide. . .

    We are confident that by means of Jehovah’s continued blessing and the generosity of the worldwide brotherhood, the new arrangement for financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction will be a success as well."


    "projects" and "construction" = new buildings. The letter makes that very clear.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    "Brother Russell stated: “‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support."

    Watchtower's reply to this:

    Russell who?

    Oh, that guy. But you see, he wasn't the FDS, so what the hell do we care what he said?

  • Quarterback

    Two things.

    1) I didn't read in that letter that cong's that is holding large balances are to collapse these and send it into the Society. Most of these funds are in their Maintenace Acct's for maintenance needs.

    2) Tithing means 10% of your income. What seems to be expected from our family is only less than 1% of annual income. This is less than was we contribute right now.

  • out4good3

    "Give me the money now and I promise to take care of you later" is the oldest scam in the book.

    Pimpology 101.

  • confusedandalone

    I still do not see how this is going to really cause any type of huge issue amongst RandF brothers and Sisters.

    Maybe it is because I have seen bigger changes made that have no effect on them and so I can not get amped up about this... If I understanad this correctly it will appear to the average DUB that they have said not to worry about paying back your loan just send what you can.

    In turn the elders will pass out slips that pretty much tells them to put down what they can pay monthly and then the elders will obviously make sure it is atleast the amount that they would owe on the loan anyway. How can this possibly cause the huge shakeup I think most are expecting? I really am not being facetious... I really want to know.

    The only aspect of this that I see is just a huge rumor and I doubt could possibly ever happen is elders sitting down with family heads over thier tax returns. If something like that was to happen sure there would be issues otherwise this just appears to be another change that will be accepted and the world will keep spinning. I think this wishful thinking on our parts is just that

  • sir82

    How can this possibly cause the huge shakeup I think most are expecting?

    This in and of itself won't.

    But as I wrote earlier - it is an absolutely certain fact - as sure as the sun will rise in the east tomorrow - that well over 90% of the congregations, within a year, will fail to meet their promised target. Probably by a significant amount.

    And the Society is absolutely as sure of this also.

    So why implement a plan that is bound to fail?

    Unless they expect & want the failure, so they can implement something else.

    What is the "something else"? That's what may cause issues.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ sir82...

    Exactly! and for the reason you stated is why WT is ramping up comments like this:


    "At that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from Jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not." (W 11-15-13)


    the pre-planned set up for failure is a common ploy in politics, religion, etc. because it works so well....and sets things in place for the real objective.

  • Comatose

    Here is the reaction you will get from loyal witnesses.

    All they will hear is that the "loving gubberning body is removing their loan! How loving of a provision from Jehoooovahs TRUE organization! These brothers are so LOVING!"

    If pointed out that the donation must be same or more than current payment with no end date, they will immediately think, "my how close to the END we must be! Many of our brothers in poorer nations will benefit from this oh so loving arrangment! We were paying the loan anyways... Now we are helping build worship places for our great god Jehoooooovah! My how great and kind and loving the gubberning body is!"

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