After a quick perusal of this thread, here are my initial reactions to some of the things I saw:
The WTS asking each congregation to 'pledge' a monthly amount isn't that far feteched. They've been putting the screws to congregations for some time now, changing arrangements every so often to squeeze more and more out of them as it is. In turn, asking each family/brother to pledge an amount isn't out of the norm either. They've practiced this on lesser levels in times past. I could see this becoming a yearly thing. And making them fill out a form once a year is a reminder to them that they 'owe' Jehovah this, guilting them into forgoing material needs in order to satisfy the WTS.
The WTS taking more hands on control of congregation accounts, to the point that local congreation savings be sent to the WTS is not far fetched. It was only a matter of time before they felt the economic pressure to the point to reach into local pockets to help fill the coffers back up.
Both of those things would barely raise an eyebrow among the rank and file. When they give money, they visualize it all as supporting the WTS, no matter whether it's used locally or in NY. It's all part of their service to Jehovah.
What I find really far-fetched, almost to the level of conspiracy theory fantasy, is the notion that the WTS would stoop to reviewing bank statemenst and tax returns of individual members of the congregation, albeit just brothers or servants. While that notion isn't an official proclomation, or even in the works, I'm suspect of someone that claims to know that WT execs discussed this as an option. It's Scientologist type creepiness. And it would never work. While there may be some old JW widows or not-quite-right dubs that would fall right in line with such a nonsense request, most would balk. Too many UBMs to tell their spouses, "are you nuts?! Let your church look at our records?? NO Fing WAY". Too many fringe dubs to not obey. Oh, they won't come out and complain, but they'll slack off even more, instead of ponying up. And too many savvy, self-employed brothers, who are already 'creative' in how they report taxes, that would bristle at the idea of WT oversight of their record keeping. The more I think about it, the more ridiculous this idea really is. Let's stick with facts and official documentation of what the WTS actually proposes to do, instead of letting imaginations run wild into some conspiracy theory universe, where reality doesn't exist...