Neverending - none of my comments were directed to you - and not actually to anyone in particular. You are fine and so are your comments.
My comments were in general to describe my disappointment in how some posters here who are clearly not trolls, will still tend to always try to discredit those of us who are just trying do the right thing or to share something we've been told by someone who has proven their credibility in the past.
While I'd like to continue to share that information, right - wrong - near miss - or too fantastic to believe at times - I am afraid that my contacts will read the negative responses and either stop sharing with me or simply tell me to stop posting any of it on JWN. Remember that they have provided this information to help keep us informed, often at great risk to themselves. One of our insiders was caught and kicked out of Bethel very recently for getting the word out. How do you think he would feel now if the very thing he shared appeared here and the loudest voices immediately called it bogus?
I'm good with everyone here - most of the time. Not that any of that matters. But sometimes I do worry that someone may miss a warning or a critical piece of information because it was shouted down prematurely.