Juan, I think you're very brave to share with us and I really appreciate it and enjoy your posts. Sigue adelante!
Is this new donation arrangement for real?
by nugget 324 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
More than one church asks for tithes. I don't know that even the LDS (MORMONS) actually asks to see tax returns. I believe that most such churches are operating on an 'honor system". I think the WT could do that, but I don't see that they are,so it will be interesting to see what transpires, certainly.
So far as this new system-it is just tightening the financial noose. The thing is-they say that it will not be "enforced" and that brothers should not be hounded for it. We shall see how THAT transpires, also. It is also said that each year, according to circumstances, that they could/should re-evaluate the amount that is pledged. Reality will soon kick in, hopefully. And again, it will be interesting to see what THEN transpires:)
Juan,the people that have been around a while know you are the real deal. Don't let the ones with a post count of 20 chase you away .
Thank you and your friends for everything you do !
The Searcher
Hello Juan, you and your sources deserve thanks and praise, not only for the hard facts provided, but ALSO for your/their reasonings - not wild speculations - on what may transpire as a result!
You & they are so much closer to the source, and will have a finger on the 'pulse' of the Org's thinking, so please never be discouraged by people who try to downplay the information and comments you provide.
I have absolutely no qualms in saying that I firmly believe there will be individuals here at the direction of Brooklyn Overlords. The Org operates exactly the same as most other major businesses do in a dog-eat-dog environment.
Final point: The bottom line is, that soon after the first year of the new money-grab has passed, the G.B. MUST issue a new directive enforcing collection by other means - enabling identification of non-payers!
That's my speculation!
I think that time has changed the Watchtower a great deal, what we once did not believe was possible has proven to be business a usual. this organisation has changed radically since I was baptised and will continue to do so. The rumours of today are possibly closer to the truth than we could imagine.
I appreciate your insights as well. Keep up the good work.
I am sure the topic under discussion (whether based on rumor or fact) would, in reality, go over like a lead balloon if the religion had the audacity to implement it. What a calamity this would raise! However, the religion sees what other religions do (Mormons, etc.) and somebody there just might be thinking of this. And, pathetically, too many JWs are gullible enough to comply.
Even though I am no longer in the religion and am just a spectator like so many others on the forum, I still would not want to see this happen.
Nugget said: "what we once did not believe was possible has proven to be business a usual. this organisation has changed radically since I was baptised and will continue to do so. The rumours of today are possibly closer to the truth than we could imagine."
Not long ago I would never have imagined that they would be putting ATM's at the assembly halls. They've condemned the churches for this. Now they're doing it too.
There certainly is a lot of speculation in this thread, but the basic info at the beginning was IDd as rumor. Some speculated, then others skimmed and soon there were a few total misunderstandings going on (about tithing being put in place, etc).
Here is the thing. We get a LOT of rumors on this forum. MANY of them are in part (usually a large part) true. So, yep, we speculate. As earlier stated, we learned that in the org:)
So long as we remember that we are speculating. I think one thing that is important to remember is as bad as the org is and will always be, there are a lot of sincere JWs out there who, while being sincerely wrong, are not idiots, or stupid. They are US last year or 5 years ago or 35 years ago. So, lets look at it with some compassion and use the insight that we should have and see what we can do to help our own loved ones. No need to be sniping at one another.
The discussion does get a little heated, and many of us get a kick out of further demonizing the org. Conspiracy theories are a natural outgrowth. There are a lot of funky things going on there, so we might as well enjoy the show if we aren't emotionally strung up over it. If we are still, then some threads might be best avoided until you get a sense of humor about the entire issue. It may not happen,but usually, it does.
That's an understatement...