Is this new donation arrangement for real?

by nugget 324 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quarterback

    I don't see this as a Tithing (10%) commitment. I dont beleive that an Elder will sit with anyone and discuss finances with families. Our cong stands to benefit from this arrangement. We get to wipe out close to a million dollars of mortgage. There was 60 % in our cong that weren't making contributions. They still aren't.

    I think that those that are mortgage free will have a beef with this. But, are we really mortgage free? Usually, when the mortgage is paid off, the taxes, and maintenance goes up. I know that we are tax exempt, but, for what reason? It's a Charity status. Since our mortgage was to last 15 yrs, that would of taken us to 2029. Maybe Armageddon will kick in by then

  • metatron

    Warehouse has a point, to a degree. There's much to speculate about....

    I think the 'redtape' argument is probably valid and could damage this whole program. A congregation wants new stuff but can't save for it and must remit all such funds for the 'common good'.

    That sort of thing failed all over Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. You collectives need to hand it over in the name of the State.....

    I see lots of opportunity for slack hands, excuses, and half-hearted "enforcement" of this. Consider how the elders rush to get their neglected shepherding done before the CO shows up.......

    Even funnier, I can imagine how elders could get personal requests for money tossed back in their faces - "I can't afford it but I know that Jehovah has blessed you with prosperity, Brother KGB".

    A Witness can always tell themselves that Jehovah will pay for it and His Organization is invincible so someone else will pay....

    That's what happened to food service and most books......


  • warehouse

    Juan Viejo2 wrote:

    That I am as fanatical as the Watchtower? That my contact who is trying to keep me and others reading this thread is somehow being "fanatical"?

    In this case, yes to both. You, along with your contact and others in this thread, are filled with an excessive and single-minded zeal, or obsessively concerned with this idea. That makes you fanatical. Plus your contact is a JW, correct? Even more reason why this idea is susceptible to fanatisism. It was fueled by an unobjective JW who did not have all the facts.

  • villagegirl

    Are they going to have special brothers for "Debt Collection"

    These brothers show up at night with baseball bats ?

    If you don't pay up they break your knees and then shun you ?

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    villagegirl -probably not brothers with baseball bats. Loss of privileges, subtle shunning, and leaking gossip should do the trick for most slow-payers.

  • neverendingjourney

    This thread has evolved a rumor into opinion, which then gave way to conspiracy, which is now quickly becoming hearsay.

    This happens every time the WT announces a change. What results in a 20 page thread on JWD typically elicits nothing more than a shrug from your typical JW.

  • label licker
    label licker

    It's a wait and see game with nothing to lose. I've already lost all my family and friends so this is just pure entertainment. Not worth the blood pressure going through the roof. Nothing is in stone yet!

    I wouldn't lay it past the elders if that were to happen with them going over their income taxes. (I realize that it's not in stone yet so chill out and please no name calling) I remember an elderly sister who lived alone and all her kids are living in the US. The elder was taking her into the second school to discuss what she could afford to give for donations as well as to go over her will. Later on her one son came up to visit her and said to me how he couldn't understand how this elder was in charge of her will and bank account. He was mad. That sister is in a home for the elderly with both her legs off and no one to visit her. Not even that elder! It's all about the money and for sure I can see the society targeting old folks homes so they can prey on them next.

  • neverendingjourney

    What are you saying? That I am as fanatical as the Watchtower? That my contact who is genuinely trying to keep me and others reading this thread informed - is somehow being "fanatical"?

    I realize you didn't direct this question at me, but i scanned this thread yesterday and when I read the actual letter on JW Survey there was a big disconnect. I think an outside observer would easily conclude this is nothing more than a tempest in a teapot.

  • warehouse

    neverendingjourney wrote:

    This happens every time the WT announces a change. What results in a 20 page thread on JWD typically elicits nothing more than a shrug from your typical JW.

    Ah, you hit it on the head. And I certainly can't argue against disscussion for the sake of disscussion, or even meandering debates. But the comments in this thread in particular were so farfetched and outlandish that some were getting confused as to what was actually being changed.

    I'm sure the well-meaning intention to inform was there at the beginning, but it has become almost laughable what some have said in this thread, I mean just way out in left field.

    Lol, reading some of these posts makes me feel like I'm at a meeting listening to absurd comments . . .

  • Oubliette

    warehouse: reading some of these posts makes me feel like I'm at a meeting listening to absurd comments . . .

    Hey, where do you think we learned it? At least here we can freely express our ideas without the risk of being labelled an apostate. Oh, I almost forgot: We ARE apostates! ... lol

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