Now the wine.
Did You Go To The Memorial?
by minimus 77 Replies latest jw friends
Nah...can't bring myslf to go. I find that going to the Memorial makes them feel that they still have a hold or that deep down, you still believe.
Garyneal did you smell the wine? barf!
Have never went back for a Memorial since I left the cult. This makes 19 in a row missed for me.
Now you get to greet everyone for a five minute social time then home you go! Yeah it time to smile real big and do the Memorial dance!
It is over! It is over! It is over!
I travelled the country on a train today, all evening looking at the full moon through the window of the carriage...... I have said it several times, but again the pagan foundations of such rituals are so obvious now...
A full moon....
The blood and body of a god....
The blood and bones being passed & consumed by those chosen by a greater god....
So gods, full moons, drinking blood, and ritual....erm "Hello y'all, tis probably pagan!"
Snare&rackett I do a little crazy JW reply!
False gods do not eat bitter herbs therefore it is a celibration for the true God Jesus!
Gary, are you saying the prayer, yet?
i am about to enjoy a nice crab dinner as we speak. it is number two missed for me and the mister. couldnt be happier
By pagan do you mean the organisation-People Against Goodness And Normalcy? (PAGAN)