You WILL die - but probably NOT today.
Did You Go To The Memorial?
by minimus 77 Replies latest jw friends
Just Ron - you are kidding right ? The people who are "going to die" are the ones
who went there and refused to do what Jesus asked them to do, which was to drink
the wine, whch is his blood and eat the bread which is his flesh, and be part of the
Body of Christ, which is for ALL BELIEVERS, not a "special class" and it has absolutely
nothing to do with what "hope" you have. Jesus didn't say, "Just attend and abstain,
from the bread and wine as you reject me in a group"
Wasn't invited, didn't go and really don't care :) Had a peaceful evening relaxed with a glass of wine waiting to see if we'll get a good view of the blood moon.
James, did u give the talk??
just Ron
Villagegirl I was trying to be funny but I gess it is not working.
missed for the first time, my wife and children went, I'm thinking this puts me into a new category according to JW's, the one below incactive loser who deceives himself that going to the memorial will somehow be enough for salvation ... now I just need one of the few who I have been forthright with to turn me in and I can go to the next level of apostate scum.
I went. The talk was given by a very gifted speaker. He seems authentic and sincere. He talked about how nice it would be to pet a tiger. I thought that was weird, but I get what he was trying to do.
One problem I have always had is with the prayers. I have always believed prayers to God should be sincere and humble. You don't tell God what to do or say what he's thinking. "We know oh Jehovah that you have an organization you are using today to dispense spiritual truths". Etc. etc. etc. How about showing some humility in the prayers? The KH prayers are just advertisements. "We know dear father that you require us to attend ALL the meeting's at the KH and how pleased you are when we spend time in the ministry". Really? Do you really KNOW this? Is this a prayer? Why are you telling God how he feels and what he likes and dislikes?
We can argue all day and night whether God exists or not, but for a religion that claims he does what kind of nerve... to tell him how he feels and what his intentions for mankind are?
How about "Dear Father please bless us as we strive to do your will and help us make the right decisions and guide our paths and if we make mistakes in discerning your will please correct us and help us to do the right thing". How about some humility and not turn every prayer into a soul-less recitation of WT gibberish.
I didn't go, the last time I was in a KH was for a memorial, I had been fading for some time before and as I recall the talk was torture to sit through, not just for me but for most there from the looks on people's faces. That was a few years ago. Last night I had a nice quiet night in.
Oh! it was today? i guess if i cared i wouldve known
Was the talk a new outline ? My Wife went and it seemed to be about 10 to 15 minutes longer.
There seemed to be a little part where the speaker asked the kids what animal they wanted to pet in the new system ?
Getting this second hand so might be wrong.. Anybody got the talk outline ??
Is it no longer a tightly controlled script talk ??
Sounds like what Integ posted
He talked about how nice it would be to pet a tiger. I thought that was weird, but I get what he was trying to do.